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Export FBX from Mudbox

Before you start sculpting, export your Fbx from Mudbox.

Export an OpenEXR from Mudbox

Export a PTex from Mudbox


Import FBX and Add Subdiv Scheme

  • Import the FBX you just exported from Mudbox.  For its shape node, add Attributes|RenderMan|Subdiv Scheme:

Assign Displacement Shader (UV Texture)

  • Create a PxrTexture node. Set the Filename to your exported Muxbox EXR map. Keep all parameters at their defaults.
  • Create  PxrDispTransform node. Set Displacement Type to Mudbox Vector and Vector Space to Tangent.

  • Create a PxrDisplace node (this is the displacement shader that actually displaces your surface).
  • Connect PxrTexture's output Result RGB to PxrDispTransform's Disp Vector.
  • Connect PxrDispTransform's Result XYZ to PxrDisplace's Disp Vector. Your graph should look like this:

Assign Displacement Shader (PTex)

  • Create a PxrPtexture node. Set the Filename to your exported Muxbox ptx map. Keep all parameters at their defaults.
  • Create  PxrDispTransform node. Set Displacement Type to Mudbox Vector and Vector Space to World.

  • Create a PxrDisplace node (this is the displacement shader that actually displaces your surface).
  • Connect PxrTexture's output Result RGB to PxrDispTransform's Disp Vector.
  • Connect PxrDispTransform's Result XYZ to PxrDisplace's Disp Vector. Your graph should look like this:


  • Add PxrSurface, assign it to the model and add some lights, set the displacement bound appropriately, and render!