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Decides whether the fire density of volume will render or not. If both smoke and fire are disabled then the result defaults to the input volume. This does not affect data generated from Scatter.

Diffuse Color

Source Intensity Scale
A multiplier on the Intensity Volume field in the Flame section on the Bindings tab to decrease or increase the values used to generate the diffuse color vector. Increasing the maximum value on the Source Range for the Diffuse Color Ramp is necessary to fit the whole range to the ramp if the Source Intensity Scale is increased. Maximum value of the Intensity Volume field * Source Intensity Scale

Source Range
A fit operation that fits these source values to 0-1 for accurate remapping using the ramp. Values outside of this range are clamped. Values should be based on the minimum and maximum of the data generated in SOPs for the Intensity Volume field

Color Intensity Scale
A multiplier on the color vector generated from the source Intensity Volume and the constant or color ramp in the Flame section on the Bindings tab to decrease or increase the color value intensity in the render.

Source Range
A fit operation that fits these source values to 0-1 for accurate mapping on the Scatter Color Ramp. Values outside of this range are clamped and will receive the color on either end of the ramp.
