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  • Python 2 support is being deprecated.  This is the last release that supports Python 2.
  • Support for Pixar's deep texture format is being phased out in favor of DeepEXR. We anticipate pulling libdtex and the DTex format in the next release.

More Details



  • Adaptive sampling has been implemented in XPU.  The workflow and controls are the same as in RIS: PixelVariance, "darkfalloff", "exposurebracket", "adaptall", and per-channel "relativepixelvariance". There are two "adaptivemetric"s: "contrast" and "variance", with the latter being the default. RMAN-20888 
  • An issue where using Render region in Solaris in XPU mode could lead to a crash has been addressed. RMAN-20929
  • XPU will fall back to CPU only mode if the variant is "xpu" and no capable GPU hardware is detected. RMAN-21526
  • Multiple crash issues surrounding switching between RIS and XPU in Solaris have been addressed.
  • Eliminated "IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB relocation requires an ordered section layout." errors that could lead to crashes. RMAN-21782


  • Fixed crashes in XPU that could occur on scenes with high numbers of complicated LPE expressions. RMAN-19362
  • XPU now supports the "sum" pixel filter type. RMAN-21472


  • The time to process large on screen subdivision meshes has been greatly improved, resulting in a significant improvement in time to first pixel for e.g. scenes with large ground planes or large characters. RMAN-19710
  • Other improvements have been made to speed up the time to preprocess dense and complicated geometry, also resulting in significant improvement in time to first pixel for complex scenes. RMAN-21184
  • A crash issue with subdivision mesh primvars of type float[X] where X is not 1 or 3 has been fixed. RMAN-21851
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "strategy". RMAN-20687
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "string referenceinstance". RMAN-20748
  • XPU now supports the sphericalprojection dicing strategy. RMAN-20747
  • XPU no longer forces a lower bound of
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "strategy". RMAN-20687
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "string referenceinstance". RMAN-20748
  • XPU now supports the sphericalprojection dicing strategy. RMAN-20747
  • XPU no longer forces a lower bound of 0.1 on the micropolygon length. RMAN-21423
  • An issue with support for the near clipping plane in XPU has been fixed. RMAN-20928
  • XPU now supports RiClippingPlanes. RMAN-20033
  • Fixed a crash when rendering motion blurred curves in XPU using RfSolaris or Hydra.
  • Several issues surrounding bias calculations for round curves in XPU which could lead to false self-intersections have been addressed. RMAN-21837
  • A crash on polymeshes with polygon:smoothdisplacement has been fixed. RMAN-20938

  • Fix an issue in XPU that could lead to sporadic crashing on dense polygon meshes. RMAN-20993


  • XPU's default verbosity for OSL is now NORMAL instead of VERBOSE. XPU now supports Option "osl" "int verbose" to change this verbosity.
  • Fixed issues which could cause crashing when interactively editing OSL pattern nodes in a DCC. RMAN-21227
  • An inconsistency between the getattribute() OSL function between XPU and RIS when dealing with array lengths has been fixed. RMAN-21935
  • XPU now has partial support for the utilityPattern parameter in PxrSurface and other shaders. Currently, only a single utilityPattern is currently supported. RMAN-21283
  • The view vector Vn is no longer incorrectly normalized in XPU. RMAN-21399
  • Implemented "followTopology" and "continuationRayMode" for XPU PxrSurface Burley diffusion ("subsurfaceType" 4). RMAN-21774
  • Implemented OSL getattribute("context", "reyesGrid", ...) lookup in XPU.
  • DeleteDisplacement and DeleteMaterial (from the Riley API) are now implemented in XPU.
  • The PxrSurface "diffuseExponent" parameter is now implemented in XPU. RMAN-21701
  • The PxrSurface "glassBumpNormal" parameter is now implemented in XPU. RMAN-21790
  • The PxrSurface "subsurfaceDoubleSided" parameter is now implemented in XPU. RMAN-21773
  • The PxrSurface "subsurfaceTransmitGain" parameter is now implemented in XPU.
  • XPU user attribute lookups in OSL now work correctly with and without the "user:" prefix.

  • In XPU, the OSL calculatenormal() shadeop now computes the correctly oriented result when the geometry has an inverse scale. Similar issues with the backfacing() shadeop have also been fixed. RMAN-20795

  • Enabling subsurface in PxrSurface no longer disrupts user normal lobe output. RMAN-19037


  • An issue where modifying a geometry instance via the Riley interface ModifyGeometryInstance did not always update the material binding has been fixed. RMAN-21856


  • Fixed XPU texture filtering for displacement to better match RIS. RMAN-20904
  • The XPU memory requirements of PTex has been greatly reduced, by a factor of almost 4X on complex shots. RMAN-18833 
  • XPU now automatically adjusts the texture and ptexture reserved cache allocation size to be the minimum of the requested texture memory limit option, and the actual size needed to store all the highest mipmap level texture tiles in the scene. In cases where there are very few textures in the scene and the requested texture memory limit has been set very high, this can be a substantial memory reduction.
  • Some issues in XPU's substitution of <u> and <v> tokens in texture file map names have been addressed. RMAN-19353
  • A bug in XPU causing the texture filter widths on non-quad subdivision faces to be off by a factor of two has been fixed. RMAN-21751
  • Fixed a bug affecting the invalidation of non .tex textures in XPU where the updated texture would not be rendered. Instead the old texture before the invalidation would be used. RMAN-17686


  • Added new LPE flags: 'worldtransform;' / 'objecttransform;' / 'cameratransform;' which will transform the output to the desired space. The transform will operate as if the output is a position unless a 'normal;' or 'vector;' flag is also given. The 'normal;' flag will also normalize the output which helps with certain cases in Lama where layering normals can give unhelpful results. RMAN-20972
  • decidither level controls for XPU Progressive Pixels mode are now supported.
  • RenderMan now includes an ACES-1.3 OCIO config file. Note, this config will only work with OCIO 2.0 and above. RMAN-19996


  • Improved time to first pixel for scenes with many instances by around 5x to 7x or more in both RIS and XPU. In addition, interactive editing and deleting operations on these instances have also been sped up substantially, in some situations by an order of magnitude or more. RMAN-19096
  • A precision issue that could lead to self intersection on flat polygons with user normals in the opposite direction of the renderer computed normals has been fixed (both RIS and XPU). RMAN-20963
  • Users can now use namespaced primvars. Primvars which start with the namespaces used by standard Renderman primvars will still be culled (for example the ri/grouping/dice/trace namespaces). RMAN-21578


  • Fixed an issue where changing the pixel variance in Solaris had no effect in RIS renders. RMAN-21296
  • Added "raytracebakedisplacement" option for baking. This option helps prevent artifacts when baking using trace() calling patterns, such as PxrDirt and PxrOcclusion. RMAN-20743
  • OpenEXR and DeepEXR autocrop can now use any AOV which has alpha as its source. DeepEXR will also no longer crash if autocrap is enabled without an alpha channel. RMAN-21546
  • Add two new parameters to the OpenEXR driver: "string asrgbacolorchannel" and "string asrgbaalphachannel". If supplied, these strings automatically force "asrgba" to be 1, and then serve as the actual channels that get converted to "RGB" and "A" instead of "Ci" and "a".
  • The "asrgba" parameter to the OpenEXR and DeepEXR display driver now correctly defaults to 1, matching the Args file. This only changes behavior in RfK or RIB files where the asrgba parameter is not explicitly set. RMAN-21883


  • Attribute "volume" "temporalmethod" is no longer supported. The only method of generating temporal data for volume rendering is the Eulerian method.
  • Added caching to OpenVDB, which improves performance in cases where the same VDB grid is used many times.
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when the Fixed a crash that would happen when the "Light Source" parameter of a PxrVolume is enabled while the stats json listener is also enabled. RMAN-21054

  • Reduced memory usage of volumes rendered using the impl_openvdb plugin. RMAN-20942


  • macOS 11 and beyond: The installer can download the packages from Pixar, but can't run them to get them unpacked.  You must manually double-click on the .pkg files that the installer leaves in the Downloads folder.  RMAN-18802


Interactive/Live Rendering Limitations

  • Bucket order or size cannot be changed during live rendering.
  • Changes to Presence do not update when using the opacity cache option (RIS only).
  • Objects are not re-diced during interactive camera edits.
  • Mesh lights cannot be interchanged as geometry without restarting.


  • macOS/Apple Silicon: The denoiser is not supported on Apple Silicon, even with Rosetta.  RMAN-20408
  • If your image has NaNs from either RIS or XPU
  • macOS/Apple Silicon: The denoiser is not supported on Apple Silicon, even with Rosetta.  RMAN-20408
  • If your image has NaNs from either RIS or XPU, the denoiser will fail on macOS and Windows. 
  • The interactive denoiser currently is not supported in XPU.


  • Color Management: Although we have upgraded to the VFX Reference Platform 2023, there are still color management limitations:
    • IT does not support OCIO 2.0 configs yet.  RMAN-19921
  • MaterialX: Material layering is not supported.  RMAN-20365



  • The GPU portion of XPU can render artifacts with the trace:reflectexcludesubset.  RMAN-20393
  • XPU, particularly in Solaris, has some stability issues.  We are actively working to resolve these for the general release.  Please report any stability issues you see to us.

RenderMan for Houdini

  • When batch rendering from a RIB exported from Houdini, the searchpath may contain an invalid path that causes RenderMan to load the wrong OpenVDB shared library, causing batch renders to fail.  The workaround is to edit the "procedural" searchpath in the RIB to $RMANTREE/lib/plugins instead of the one in the RenderMan for Houdini directory.  RMAN-20297
  • RfSolaris: Texture memory limits are not properly respected.  RMAN-20563
  • Denoise ROP does not work in H20, py3.10. In py3.9, it will work if loppath on the usdrender_rop LOP node is set to opinput('.', 0) - RMAN-21926

RenderMan for Maya

  • F-Stop is divided by 10X with PxrCamera.  RMAN-20475
  • Overriding PYTHONPATH can cause denoising to fail.  RMAN-20546


Interactive/Live Rendering Limitations

  • Bucket order or size cannot be changed during live rendering.
  • Changes to Presence do not update when using the opacity cache option (RIS only).
  • Objects are not re-diced during interactive camera edits.
  • Mesh lights cannot be interchanged as geometry without restarting.

RenderMan RIS

  • Shading
    • PxrUnified integrator does not yet support all the standard rendering features.
    • <primstr:nameofvalue> substitution of data from a constant primvar or user attribute on an object for dynamic filename substitution is not yet working for the gettextureinfo() OSL call.
    • Using the ' . ' character in the handle for an OSL shader could cause unpredictable results during re-rendering.
  • General rendering
    • Load on demand procedurals are not supported anymore, all procedurals are now loaded immediately.
    • RenderMan does not read point data from OpenVDB files.
    • Per-Instance baking is not supported, only the reference instance.
    • PxrBakePointCloud cannot directly render ptex.
    • Sample + Display filter plug-ins do not have access to lighting services for light dependent effects, e.g. lens flare.
    • Adding new mesh light on existing geometry during IPR results in double geometry.
    • Motion blurred polygons do not motion blur normals when deformed. Use Subdivision meshes instead.
    • When attempting to access an array primvar, you must first check the size of the array primvar and allocate the appropriate space. Not doing so may lead to a crash.
    • Points and curves cannot be used as geometric lights.
    • Analytical lights placed inside non-aggregate volumes may yield artifacts when made visible to the camera. As a work around, the light camera visibility should be turned off, and a geometry with a similar shape should be used (visible to camera, invisible to transmission and indirect rays), with the proper emissive bxdf.
    • Indirect Path Guiding in the PxrUnified integrator causes a crash.
  • Bridge Products:
    • RfH: Soloing MaterialX Lama nodes in complex shading networks can give an incorrect result.

RenderMan XPU


  • Support for homogeneous single scattering in PxrSurface is incomplete. Renders will be noticeably incorrect after the first bounce off the interior of a closed object. RMAN-16374
  • Lights inside objects with homogeneous single scattering in PxrSurface will not compute the correct shadows. RMAN-16367
  • Due to differences in how XPU computes derivatives for normals, XPU may compute different results from RIS for bump mapped subdivision surfaces in areas of highly concave curvature, combined with a high bump scale. This happens especially when the bump mapping cannot reasonably approximate the displacement. Note that this difference does not occur with displacement. The issue can be ameliorated by reducing the bump scale. RMAN-21977 
  • Please refer to the XPU section of the documentation for a more detailed current list of limitations.


  • Color Management: Although we have upgraded to the VFX Reference Platform 2023, there are still color management limitations:
    • IT does not support OCIO 2.0 configs yet.  RMAN-19921
  • MaterialX: Material layering is not supported.  RMAN-20365


  • Shading
    • PxrUnified integrator does not yet support all the standard rendering features.
    • <primstr:nameofvalue> substitution of data from a constant primvar or user attribute on an object for dynamic filename substitution is not yet working for the gettextureinfo() OSL call.
    • Using the ' . ' character in the handle for an OSL shader could cause unpredictable results during re-rendering.
  • General rendering
    • Load on demand procedurals are not supported anymore, all procedurals are now loaded immediately.
    • RenderMan does not read point data from OpenVDB files.
    • Per-Instance baking is not supported, only the reference instance.
    • PxrBakePointCloud cannot directly render ptex.
    • Sample + Display filter plug-ins do not have access to lighting services for light dependent effects, e.g. lens flare.
    • Adding new mesh light on existing geometry during IPR results in double geometry.
    • Motion blurred polygons do not motion blur normals when deformed. Use Subdivision meshes instead.
    • When attempting to access an array primvar, you must first check the size of the array primvar and allocate the appropriate space. Not doing so may lead to a crash.
    • Points and curves cannot be used as geometric lights.
    • Analytical lights placed inside non-aggregate volumes may yield artifacts when made visible to the camera. As a work around, the light camera visibility should be turned off, and a geometry with a similar shape should be used (visible to camera, invisible to transmission and indirect rays), with the proper emissive bxdf.
    • Indirect Path Guiding in the PxrUnified integrator causes a crash.
  • Bridge Products:
    • RfH: Soloing MaterialX Lama nodes in complex shading networks can give an incorrect result.

RenderMan for Houdini

  • When batch rendering from a RIB exported from Houdini, the searchpath may contain an invalid path that causes RenderMan to load the wrong OpenVDB shared library, causing batch renders to fail.  The workaround is to edit the "procedural" searchpath in the RIB to $RMANTREE/lib/plugins instead of the one in the RenderMan for Houdini directory.  RMAN-20297
  • RfSolaris: Texture memory limits are not properly respected.  RMAN-20563
  • Denoise ROP does not work in H20, py3.10. In py3.9, it will work if loppath on the usdrender_rop LOP node is set to opinput('.', 0) - RMAN-21926

RenderMan for Maya

  • F-Stop is divided by 10X with PxrCamera.  RMAN-20475
  • Overriding PYTHONPATH can cause denoising to fail.  RMAN-20546
