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  • Fixed crashes in XPU that could occur on scenes with high numbers of complicated LPE expressions. RMAN-19362
  • XPU now correctly respects /prman/lpe/{diffuse,specular,user}* settings defined in rendermn.ini. RMAN-20605
  • XPU now supports the "sum" pixel filter type. RMAN-21472


  • The time to process large on screen subdivision meshes has been greatly improved, resulting in a significant improvement in time to first pixel for e.g. scenes with large ground planes or large characters. RMAN-19710
  • ptimizations have been made to preprocessing of dense and complicated geometry which also result in significant improvement in time to first pixel for complex scenes. RMAN-21184
  • A crash issue with subdivision mesh primvars of type float[X] where X is not 1 or 3 has been fixed. RMAN-21851
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "strategy". RMAN-20687
  • XPU now supports Attribute "dice" "string referenceinstance". RMAN-20748
  • XPU now supports the sphericalprojection dicing strategy. RMAN-20747
  • XPU no longer forces a lower bound of 0.1 on the micropolygon length. RMAN-21423
  • An issue with support for the near clipping plane in XPU has been fixed. RMAN-20928
  • XPU now supports RiClippingPlanes (and the associated Riley entry points). RMAN-20033
  • Fixed a crash when rendering motion blurred curves in XPU using RfSolaris or Hydra.
  • Several issues surrounding bias calculations for round curves in XPU which could lead to false self-intersections have been addressed. RMAN-21837
  • A crash on polymeshes with polygon:smoothdisplacement has been fixed. RMAN-20938

  • Fix an issue in XPU that could lead to sporadic crashing on dense polygon meshes. RMAN-20993
