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Much like the best VFX, the new stats system will mostly go unnoticed as you are running RenderMan. If you render to the Image Tool "it" you will see an improved HUD which includes overview stats for the in-progress render. Additionally, live diagnostics are available in each of RenderMan's supported DCC plugins and the new stand-alone S tats Stats Portal application. Other presentation options are available, such as a JSON report or CSV telemetry output. These output options, or Listeners, are implemented as part of an extensible plugin system for diagnostic presentation. A Listener plugin attaches to a running render and registers interest in some or all of the metric data being collected by the renderer. As the Listener receives data from the renderer it is free to analyze and process the data as needed for its particular application. 


RenderMan stats provides access to the current state of render, whether it be a DCC preview render or a farm render. In addition to the S tats Stats Portal application, live stats output can be seen in the HUD of Pixar's Image Tool and the Live Stats window of each DCC. 
