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dice:micropolygonlengthfloat1Micropolygon distance in raster space for "instanceprojection" dicing. Values are expressed in pixel size.
dice:offscreenstrategystringviewfrustumdistanceDicing method of objects outside the viewing frustum. Supported values: viewfrustumdistance, worlddistance, objectdistance.
dice:rasterorientinteger1Turning this off enables non-oriented dicing, a mode of dicing that computes micropolygon sizes using non-oriented raster space rather than screen-aligned raster space. Non-oriented dicing is useful for displacement around edges where projected micropolygon distance can be arbitrarily smallChanges micropolygon size according to the viewing angle of a surface. When rasterorient is on, surfaces are coarsely diced at a glancing angle.This feature is very useful for ground planes and other large objects that are seen at an angle and it should be disabled for geometry that is instanced several times as it can be seen from different angles as well as when displacement details are lost.
dice:referencecamerastringemptySpecify the camera used for dicing. If no reference camera is specified, RenderMan will use the primary camera.
dice:referenceinstancestringemptySpecify the reference instance used for dicing and displacement shading. The reference instance is used to drive dicing and displacement based on its position, scale, user attributes, and scoped coordinate systems. Reference instances are specified by its identifier:name attribute (instance name). If no reference instance is specified, RenderMan will automatically pick the nearest instance inside the primary camera's view frustum.
dice:strategystringinstanceprojectionDicing method of objects within the viewing frustum. Supported values: instanceprojection, worlddistance, objectdistance.
dice:worlddistancelengthfloat-1Micropolygon distance in world space for "worlddistance" dicing or object space for "objectdistance" dicing.
Ri:GeometricApproximationFocusFactorfloat0Allows the renderer to use more coarse dicing for blurry objects due to depth of field.
Ri:GeometricApproximationMotionFactorfloat0Allows the renderer to use more coarse dicing for blurry objects due to motion blur.
