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Displacement shaders: moving surface points (and normals)

After a surface has been tessellated, its surface points can be moved by a displacement shader.  The displacement shader is executed on each vertex of the tessellated surface. Displacement along normal, not along normal In general, each point can be moved by an arbitrary direction and amount:

  for (int i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
    P[i] += <some offset vector>;

Typically the offset vector is along the surface normal as in this example:

  for (int i = 0; i < numPts; i++)
    P[i] += amplitude[i] * Nn[i];

Figure ... shows a small grid of surface points before and after displacement.

TO DO: figure of 5x4 pt grid similar to figure 8.3 of ARM book.

Recalc normals.

RixDisp() ?

 But with points P and normals Nn shown(?).

After the displacement has been done, any smooth analytical normals that the original surface may have had (for example a smooth subdivision surface or NURBS patch) are no longer valid – they do not correspond to the displaced surface.  Each micropolygon has a geometric normal Ngn.  In addition, for Talk about common trick for adding back smoothness?  Also, for some surface types a smooth shading normal will be automatically computed for each ray hit – this is done by considering the orientation of not only the micropolygon the the ray hit, but also the adjacent micropolygons.

Displaced polygon meshes deserve a special mention here.  Polygon meshes do not by themselves have smooth normals, but are often defined with a normal at each polygon mesh vertex point.  When a ray hits an undisplaced polygon mesh, the shading normal Nn can be computed by interpolation ... leading to a smooth appearence.

RixDisp() ?

Talk about common trick for adding back smoothness?  Also, 

Displacement bounds

BVH bbox tightening.  Not too large: important for ttfp.  Not too small: holes.

TO DO: Figure with holes due to too small displacement bound.


Here is an example of a fragment of a rib file with a sphere being turned into a five-pointed star:

  Attribute "displacementbound" "float sphere" [0.21]
  Pattern "dispstar" "sin5theta" "float scale" 0.2
  Displace "PxrDisplace" "pxrdisp" "reference float dispScalar" "sin5theta:resultF"

The dispstar shader is a very simple shader written in Open Shading Language (OSL).  It computes a displacement amount depending on radial angle in the x-y plane.  When applied to a spherical shape, it produces a round star with five spikes.  When applied to a teapot (with higher frequency), it produces a pumpkin-like shape.

dispstar(float scale = 1.0, float freq = 5.0,
         output float resultF = 0.0)
  vector Non;   // original, undisplaced normal
  getattribute("builtin", "Non", Non);

  // Convert Non from current (world) space to object space
  vector Nobj = transform("object", Non);

  // Compute displacement
  float angle = atan2(Nobj[1], Nobj[0]);
  float disp = scale * sin(freq*angle);

  resultF = disp;

In this example, the displacement amount computed by dispstar gets passed on to the PxrDisplace displacement shader, which does the actual displacement.  Here is an image of a sphere displaced with this combination of shaders:

TO DO: image of displaced sphere = star.

The seasoned RenderMan user will notice this is very similar to how displacement was done in the classic RenderMan Shading Language (RSL) – see for example Apodaca and Gritz, 2000 section 8.2.