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The Parameters rollout will populate given a correct .oso file.

Using Custom OSL Patterns

To begin, take a look at the page on Installing Custom Nodes.

Define the RFM_SHOW_PATH environment variable to point to your own custom configuration directory.

Create a config directory in that new location and save a custom rfm.json file (you can copy the original one to make changes). Here's a simple version:

Code Block
    "$schema": "./rfmSchema.json",
    "resources": {
        "user": {
            "nodes": {
                "search_paths": ["/Users/Artist/Shading/OSL_pkg/shader/myshow"]

You should have the following structure:

Code Block
   |_ config
      |_ rfm.json

Now add some metadata to your OSL shaders (below we use a simple example):

Code Block
// AddFloat_1
shader AddFloat_1
    string category = "math",
    string help = "Adds two float inputs",
    int rfm_nodeid = 1553001,
    string rfm_classification = "rendernode/RenderMan/pattern/Studio/math"
    float input_A = .0,
    float input_B = .0,
    output float resultF = .0 [[ string widget="null" ]],
    resultF = input_A + input_B;

Here are the parts of the Help data:

  • category - we classify this as a "math" node category
  • help - Useful data for the user, a description basically.
  • rfm_nodeid - is a unique ID for the node, Autodesk typically assigns these in a block. This is required to prevent clashes.
  • rfm_classification - is the classification for the UI/Viewport that 'shader' objects must use under 'rendernode/RenderMan/pattern/' to be handled