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The ability to attach to a render running on a farm is a feature planned for the future but not currently supported. The live stats system will spawn a background process sbrokerd which can interfere with process lifetime and cgroup management of farm processes therefore it is recommended that live stats be explicitly disabled for farm renders using a bespoke pipeline configuration file.

In a nutshell, set an explicit configuration file is needed that sets the config option liveStatsEnabled to 0.

If there is no configuration file already in place then the example below The following example is the minimum configuration file needed to turn this option live stats off.  Place the config file in a known location and either add the prman -statsconfig command-line option or set the RMAN_STATS_CONFIG_PATH  accordingly.

Code Block
titleFarm, live stats off: stats.ini
# stats.ini
# Roz Stats farm configuration file
name "Farm Stats Session"

# Disable the internal live stats server 
liveStatsEnabled 0

It is not recommended to disable this option in the default $RMANTREE/etc/stats.ini  file as that will disable live stats for all renders, including DCC interactive renders




Code Block
titleConfiguration OpScript
<katana release="4.0v2" version="">
  <node name="__SAVE_exportedNodes" type="Group">
    <node baseType="OpScript" edited="true" name="AdvancedStatsConfiguration" ns_colorb="0.050000" ns_colorg="0.260000" ns_colorr="0.090000" ns_errorGlow="0.000000" ns_fromContext="legacy" selected="true" type="OpScript" x="287.350171" y="-212.346316">
      <port name="i0" source="GafferThree.out" type="in"/>
      <port name="out" type="out"/>
      <group_parameter name="AdvancedStatsConfiguration">
        <string_parameter name="CEL" value="((/root))"/>
        <string_parameter name="location" value="/root/world/location"/>
        <group_parameter name="script">
          <string_parameter name="lua" value="&#0010;-- Default: &apos;stats.ini&apos;&#0010;local configFile = Interface.GetOpArg(&apos;user.configFile&apos;):getValue()&#0010;&#0010;-- Default: &apos;.:${RMANTREE}/etc&apos;&#0010;-- Can be overriden with RMAN_STATS_CONFIG_PATH&#0010;local configPath = Interface.GetOpArg(&apos;user.configPath&apos;):getValue()&#0010;&#0010;Interface.SetAttr(&#0010;    &apos;prmanGlobalStatements.stats.configFile&apos;,     &#0010;     StringAttribute(configFile))&#0010;&#0010;Interface.SetAttr(&#0010;     &apos;prmanGlobalStatements.stats.configPath&apos;, &#0010;     StringAttribute(configPath))&#0010;&#0010;"/>
        <string_parameter name="executionMode" value="immediate"/>
        <string_parameter name="applyWhere" value="at locations matching CEL"/>
        <string_parameter name="applyWhen" value="during op resolve"/>
        <string_parameter name="modifierNameMode" value="node name"/>
        <string_parameter name="modifierName" value="modifier"/>
        <string_parameter name="resolveIds" value=""/>
        <number_parameter name="recursiveEnable" value="0"/>
        <string_parameter name="disableAt" value=""/>
        <string_parameter name="inputBehavior" value="by index"/>
        <number_parameter name="multisampleUserOpArgs" value="0"/>
        <group_parameter hints="{}" name="user">
          <string_parameter hints="{&apos;widget&apos;: &apos;fileInput&apos;}" name="configFile" value="stats.ini"/>
          <string_parameter expression="&apos;.:&apos;+getenv(&quot;RMANTREE&quot;, &quot;.&quot;)+&apos;/etc&apos;" hints="{}" name="configPath"/>
RfK no longer allows interactive configuration of stats through the PrmanLiveStats Tab. Configuration of options will soon be allowed through exposed attributes, in the meantime, all configuration must come from an INI configuration file as described above.


If the RMAN_STATS_CONFIG_PATH environment variable is set RfM will use that search path to look for a file named stats.ini.
