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firstBefore all other terminal Ops
beforeAddShaderInfobeforeVstructExpansionBefore the "PRManAddShaderParameterInfo" Op. This Op provides shader parameter type and meta data inside a "material.__prmanShaderInfo" attribute. If your Op changes the shaders included in the "material" attribute, you need to do so at this phase or earlier.
afterAddShaderInfoImmediately the "PRManAddShaderParameterInfo Op. If your Op depends on that information, you need to run here or later.
beforeTagEmissiveGeoRfK tracks lights which need to use AreaLightSource calls with internal attribute conventions. If your Op manipulates a light in a way which would result in it having a "geometry.areaLightGeometrySource" attribute which aims at a gprim location, it needs to run at or before this stage. An example of an Op like this is"PRManIdentifyRmsAreaLight" - which recognizes shader parameter conventions present in provided RMS lights to create the expected geometry
virtual struct connections are expaned (i.e. before the Op PRManResolveVirtualStructConnections is called)
afterVstructExpansionAfter virtual struct connections are expaned (i.e. after the Op PRManResolveVirtualStructConnections is calledafterTagEmissiveGeoIf your Op expects to be able to identify lights intended for use with AreaLightSource via RfK's internal attribute conventions, it must happen at this stage or later. (You're unlikely to need this.)
lastAppend your Op after all others.
