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TOP networks are used to schedule tasks - anywhere from running simulations to rendering. Read more about PDG here. RenderMan is now integrated into PDG with various nodes for rendering, converting textures, denoising, and generating RIB. 


Currently there is bug where the output of RenderMan render TOPs is the rib file path even if one is not generated.

ROP Fetch

The simplest render node is the ROP Fetch. Set the ROP Path to a render node in the OUT context.

RenderMan Render

This TOP node has similar functionality to the ROP Fetch except that the ROP node is inside the network and all the RenderMan ROP options are exposed as parameters on the node.

Generate RIB

This TOP node is a clone of the RenderMan Render TOP except with the "Write RIB" parameter enabled

What is PDG? SideFX explanation here. In 17.5, create a TOP network. In 18.0, there is already a task network.

ROP Fetch

RenderMan Render

Generate RIB



RenderMan Denoise

explanation of parameters here. The output of the parent node will be denoised unless the Image parameter is set. 
