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The end-of-render report requires knowledge of a render's endpoint in order to write out the final report. With live renders (e.g. Solaris), there really is no “end” to a render so the report isn’t written out until that stats session closes which doesn’t happen until you close the scenerender is terminated.


Required type for configuring the JSON report listener from an ini file.



Metric Data

The JSON report defines a "metrics" block which contains data payloads for all observed metrics, hierarchically organized according to each metric's namespace.

The format for an individual metric directly reflects the namespace built into the metric name, with each component in the namespace represented by a single, nested JSON object. For example, an entry for the metric: 


Would be the following: 

  "metrics": {
"rman": {
    "raytracing": {
       "numRays": {
         "description": "Total number of rays traced.",
       "timestamp": 2429320,
        "payload”: [ 5873490 ]

Other metrics in the "raytracing" metric namespace would be nested under the "rman" block.

Analysis Tool

The viewing of the diagnostic report is best done through the new RenderMan Stats Portal application which can be used for both live data presentation and offline report introspection. Its content is currently limited, but useful for viewing the JSON metric hierarchy and comparing two or more reports.

Configuration Example: All metrics

The following excerpt from a configuration file will enable the JSON report output, writing to: checkpoint_stats.json. The "MetricRules" section indicates that all metrics should be gathered, with data sampled once per second. See below for an example output for this configuration.

Code Block
# Roz Stats default configuration file
# Copy this file to: /a/path/of/your/choosing
# set RMAN_STATS_CONFIG_PATH = /a/path/of/your/choosing
# or run prman -statsconfig thisfile.ini
version 0.1

# Stats processing log level.
# Range is 0 (none) to 5 (debug output). Default is 3 (warnings)
logLevel 3

# Session configuration
name "JSON Report Session"
liveStatsEnabled 1

# List of listeners which the session should create and manage.
    type "jsonjsonreport"
    name "jsonListener"
    outputFilename "checkpoint_stats.json"
	keepAllCheckpoints 1

    # Save all metrics to the JSON file, sampled once per second
    regexp ".*"
    samplingInterval 1000


prman -statsconfig checkpoint_stats.ini -recover 1 scene.rib

Metric The full metric data block has been omitted for brevity. Actual iteration values will vary depending on the scene, however the header contains example metrics showing the metric description, time stamp at which the last value of the metric was reported, and the metric data payload.

Code Block
  "header": {
    "version": “26.0",
    "variant": {
      "description": "Riley render variant.",
      "timestamp": 178116,
      "payload": [
    "maxsamples": {
      "description": "The maximum number of samples used by the integrator.",
      "timestamp": 2429320,
      "payload": [
  "frame": {
    "attempts": [
        "iteration": 20,
        "metrics": {...},
        "reason": "checkpoint"
        "iteration": 62,
        "metrics": {...},
        "reason": "checkpoint"
        "iteration": 83,
        "metrics": {...},
        "reason": "exiting"
        "metrics": {...},

Configuration Example: Memory tracking

The following excerpt from a configuration file will enable the JSON report output, writing to: checkpoint_stats.json. The "MetricRules" section indicates that all metrics should be gathered, with data sampled once per second. See below for an example output for this configuration.

Code Block
# Roz Stats default configuration file
# Copy this file to: /a/path/of/your/choosing
# set RMAN_STATS_CONFIG_PATH = /a/path/of/your/choosing
# or run prman -statsconfig thisfile.ini
version 0.1

# Stats processing log level.
# Range is 0 (none) to 5 (debug output). Default is 3 (warnings)
logLevel 3

# Session configuration
name "JSON Report Session"
liveStatsEnabled 1

# List of listeners which the session should create and manage.
    type "jsonreport"
    name "Memory Report"
    outputFilename "memory_report.json"
    keepAllCheckpoints 0

        regexp "/system/memoryTracking.*"

Output Example

prman -statsconfig json_memory_report.ini -variant xpu scene.rib

The bulk of the data is omitted for brevity however the report below shows an example of the memory breakdown of an XPU render.

Each memory metric is comprised of an empty-string description, the time stamp at which the latest memory update was received, and the metric payload. Every memory tracking payload contains three floats representing the amount of memory in bytes as described in the table below:

Payload IndexDescription
0The current process memory, including allocations which have not been committed to memory (current, or virtual).
1Allocations which have been committed to memory (resident).
2The maximum level of allocations committed to memory so far since the process began (max).
Code Block
  "header": {
    "version": "26.0"
  "frame": {
    "attempts": [
        "metrics": {
          "system": {
            "memoryTracking": {
              "system": {
                "rman": {
                    "geometry": {
                      "mem": {
                        "description": "",
                        "timestamp": 7769735,
                        "payload": [
                      "volumes": {
                        "mem": {
                          "description": "",
                          "timestamp": 7769735,
                          "payload": [
              "gpu0": {
                "rman": {
                  "scene": {
                    "geometry": {...}