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RiBegin("launch:prman? -ctrl $ctrlin $ctrlout -dspy $dspyin $dspyout -xcpt $xcptin")

The Ri Control API The Ri Control API provides functions a client application will find useful when interacting with a detached prman process. These functions will not work if the launch string does not contain "-ctrl $ctrlin $ctrlout".

For off-line rendering, display drivers are loaded as dynamic libraries into the renderer's process. When writing an interactive application, it is often desireable to load a user-written display driver into the client application process and configure prman to ship pixels to the driver through a fast, low-latency interprocess communication channel. The "-dspy$dspyin $dspyout" option directs the rendering context to configure the detached prman to send pixels back to the client application. To load a display driver directly, an application should use DspyRegisterDriverTable described in Directin Direct-linked Display Driver Registration

Finally, an application may want error messages processed by the error handler installed in the application's process. The "-xcpt $xcptin" option directs the rendering context to send error messages from the detached process to the client process for delivery. 


RiSolidBegin ()
RiSolidEnd ()

RiMotionBegin ()
RiMotionEnd ()


RiObjectBegin ()
RiObjectEnd ()

The properties of these modes are described in the appropriate sectionsDefine an object master or object group definition that can be instantiated with ObjectInstance. This calls resets the graphics state so that no attributes are active. Attribute values existing at the time ObjectInstance is called will be inherited by the instance. Any attribute explicitly defined inside an ObjectBegin/ObjectEnd block will have higher precedence and will override those attributes. This is similar to behavior of ArchiveBegin/ArchiveEnd block overriding the attribute values present when using ReadArchive.


RiAttributeBegin ()
RiAttributeEnd ()

RiTransformBegin ()
RiTransformEnd ()


The table below shows which commands may be specified inside a RiMotionBegin-RiMotionEnd block. If the Motion Blur capability is not supported by a particular implementation, only the transformations, geometry, and shading parameters from t0 are used to render each moving object.

Moving Commands
