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To enable motion blur in Solaris you need your camera and geometry setup correctly.

For the camera make sure you have the desired shutter window set (you may also need to make sure "Disable Motion Blur" is not enabled on your Render Settings LOP).  The geometry needs the correct attributes and the right settings applied using a Render Geometry Settings LOP node.

The relevant settings can be found under RenderMan > Prototype Attributes > Motion Blur.

First make sure "Enable Motion Blur" is set.
Then choose the relevant settings for your motion blur type in the "Velocity Blur" Setting.

Image Added

No Velocity Blur

Without velocity motion blur, RenderMan uses all the positions samples provided to it at times between between the shutter window. You must therefore make sure you provide more than one position sample. The Cache LOP node can be used to keep the position samples at the frames before and after or you can use the Motion Blur LOP node to write out sub frame samples.
