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This bxdf Bxdf is based on Brent Burley's extended material model, introduced in "Extending the Disney BRDF to a BSDF with Integrated Subsurface Scattering" at SIGGRAPH 2015.  

The PxrDisneyBsdf  It is a nice and simple straightforward physically-based model with a concise number of parameters, but at the same time it can represent allowing for a wide range of photoreal and artistic materials, including diffuse and specular reflection and transmission, clearcoat, sheen, and subsurface scattering.  All  

All CG animations made at Walt Disney Animation Studios use this material model and the source code for the Pixar version of this material, PxrDisneyBsdf, is available among the bxdf code examples.

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Examples of different material parameter settings for PxrDisneyBsdf: metallic reflection, thin diffuse transmission, thin specular transmission, subsurface scattering, and glass refraction and reflection.  Image inspired by Figure 1 of the Burley Bsdf paper.



Base Color

The main surface color, usually supplied by texture maps.


Controls the intensity of specular reflection; 0. 0 removes it and 1 .0 maintains the full specular reflection response. This parameter is usually not needed as the specular response is determined by the incident angle of light and the roughness and IOR parameters in a physically correct way, but this parameter can override that.


Whether the surface should be considered thin or that it forms the interface to thick material.  When set to Thin, the index of refraction is 1.0

Transmission Color

The color of transmitted light for volumetric absorption (Beer's exponential extinction law).
