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PRMan has the ability to resume interrupted renders. How this works depends on the mode that it's running in. Non-incremental renders to TIFF and OpenEXR images can always be recovered. Incremental renders to OpenEXR images can also be recovered, but only if the checkpointing option was used.

Checkpointing can be found in the rendermanrendersettings node under Rendering → Render → Checkpoint Render

Image Added

Checkpoint Exit at

You can use this parameter to set a time in hour / minutes / seconds for the renderer to exit.  If a sequence of frames is being rendered, then the renderer will move onto the next frame in the sequence.

Below is an example of the format required

  • 60s - this is 60 seconds
  • 60m - this is 60 minutes
  • 60h - this is 60 hours
  • 60d - this is 60 days

Therefore, to exit a render after 5 minutes, enter 5m