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Here is where you supply a signal, either a texture or procedural pattern, to create a bump to the surface to "fake" surface details like small bumps or scratches. This means an artist doesn't have to model these tedious and often repetitious parts of a model.


Tail Parameters


How strong the tail effect should be in a linear fashion.


Defines the roughness of the tail, full roughness at 1.0 will stretch the furthest with 0.0 being no roughness or no length.


Anisotropy Parameters



Controls the saturation of the dispersion


Interior Parameters

These parameters control the bulk of a dielectric material. When you think of what makes a glass object look like it does...the color and clarity, it's the absorption.


This defines the scattering direction of the light, it can be forward (positive) or backward (negative) scattering. A value of 0 is isotropic, in all directions.


Shadow Parameters


This controls how opaque the resulting shadow is after taking into account the above parameters controlling Fresnel, coloring, absorption, etc. A value of 0 is a fully transparent or invisible shadow.


This sets the influence of the Fresnel setting on the shadow after a ray passes through back-facing geometry.


Advanced Parameters

Exterior IOR
