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To help with this calculation, the renderer will call GetIncidentRadianceEstimate() on the light, providing both the position of the shade point (in 'current' space) and a pair of transforms. In our RectLight example, we check to see if the shade point lies to the front of the light. If it does, we multiply its intensity by its area (which may be non-unity in the event of a scale transform) and the cosine of the angle between its normal and the vector between shade point and light center. We then divide by the squared distance to the light center and return the result.


Code Block
    virtual RtFloat GetIncidentRadianceEstimate(
        RtPoint3 const& segmentOrigin,
        RtVector3 const& segmentDir,
        RtFloat segmentLen,
        RtMatrix4x4 const& lightToCurrent,
        RtMatrix4x4 const& currentToLight,
        RtFloat& minT,
        RtFloat& maxT) const = 0;

A second overload of GetIncidentRadianceEstimate() is  is used to compute estimates for ray segments rather than individual points. This is used exclusively for equiangular sampling of volumes. In our example, we find the nearest point on the incoming line segment to the light and then treat that just as the shade point in the simpler case. Note that this overload has minT and maxT as return values. These can be used to 'clip' the line segment, providing a subset over which the light provides non-zero illumination. For example, since the rect light is single-sided, we could clip the segment against the light's plane. Similarly, if the light was a spot light, we could clip the segment against the cone's frustum.


Code Block
    virtual float GetPowerEstimate(RtMatrix4x4 const& xform) const = 0;

GetPowerEstimate() should return the light's intensity by its area. This is a crude estimate given independent of any shade point.


Code Block
    struct GenerateSamplesResults
        int& patchIndex; // only set by mesh lights
        RtFloat3& UVW;
        RtVector3& direction;
        float& distance;
        float& pdfDirect;
        bool const isBidirectional;
        float& pdfEmit;
        float& pdfEmitDirection;
        float& solidAngleToArea;
        RtColorRGB diffuseColor;
        RtColorRGB specularColor;
        RtNormal3& normal;
    virtual void GenerateSamples(
        RixLightContext const& lCtx,
        RixScatterPoint const& scatter,
        GenerateSamplesResults& results) const = 0;

GenerateSamples() is the function used to create a sample on the light and put it in the GenerateSamplesResult structure, defined in RixLight.h. UVW indicates the position of the sample in the light's parametric space; direction is the normalized vector from the shade point to the light sample position in 'current' space; distance is the distance between the two points; and pdf is the pdf of the chosen point in solid angle measure. In the example case, we have a uniform probability of sampling across the light's surface, so the area pdf is 1/area. This is then converted to solid angle measure by multiplying by the cosine of the angle between light and outgoing direction, and dividing by the squared distance. The light returns both radiance in both diffuseColor and specularColor. These will be interpreted separately by a bxdf's diffuse and specular lobes, and allows for a light to contribute different radiances for each. The light should also return the local-space normal at the sampled point on the light. (The normal is constant in the example rect light.) Note that the input RixLightContext grants the function access to the sample's time in normalized shutter time (ie 0 at shutter open and 1 at shutter close); a function GetLightToCurrentTransform() will return a matrix at the appropriate time, and gives access to a random-number pair in a well-stratified sequence. A flag on the GenerateSamplesResult indicates whether the light is being used in a bidirectional setting. If so, it expected to provide three further return values (not covered by the example). solidAngleToArea is a conversion factor to convert between the two pdf measures. For a rect light, this would be the cosine of the angle between light normal and the direction vector divided by the squared distance. pdfEmit is the probability of emitting a photon from the selected sample position on the light, again expressed in a solid angle measure. (For a rect light with a uniform sampling scheme, pdfEmit would be 1/area.) pdfEmitDirection is the probability of emitting a photon in the selected direction given the selected sample position. (For a rect light with cosine emission distribution, this would be cos(theta) / PI.)


Code Block
    struct EvaluateSamplesResults
        float& pdfDirect;
        bool const isBidirectional;
        float& pdfEmit;
        float& pdfEmitDirection;
        float& solidAngleToArea;
        RtColorRGB diffuseColor;
        RtColorRGB specularColor;
        RtNormal3& normal;
    virtual void EvaluateSamples(
        RixLightContext const& lCtx,
        RixSamplePoint const& sample,
        RixScatterPoint const& scatter,
        EvaluateSamplesResults& results) const = 0;

EvaluateSamples() is called so that the light can compute intensity and angular-measure pdf for an incoming ray direction (typically generated by sampling a Bxdf). EvaluateSamples() will only be called for a ray if a previous Intersect call returned true for the same ray. Results are returned in the EvaluateSamplesResult structure, definied in RixLight.h. 'pdfDirect' is the solid-angle-measure pdf for the ray; diffuseColor and specularColor are the light's contribution for diffuse and specular lobes respectively, and 'normal' is the light's surface normal at the point of intersection. The bidirectional result quantities are the same as described above for GenerateSamples(). 


Code Block
    struct GenerateEmissionResults
        int& patchIndex; // only set by mesh lights
        RtFloat3& UVW;
        RtPoint3& position;
        RtNormal3& normal;
        RtVector3& direction;
        float& distance;
        float& pdfEmit; // area measure
        float& pdfEmitDirection;
    virtual void GenerateEmission(
        RixLightContext const& lCtx,
        GenerateEmissionResults& results) const = 0;

GenerateEmission() is the function used to create photons from the light, used in a bidirectional pathtracing context. Note that it requires four random numbers: two for picking a point on the surface (with uniform probability in our example) and two for picking a direction (with a cosine distribution). Note that in this special case, since we don't at this stage in the process of a shade point, the pdfs are not in the solid angle measure. We return pdfEmit and pdfEmitDirection (see above) and the renderer will employ a solid-angle-measure conversion once the emitted photon has struck a surface internally.


Code Block
    struct EvaluateEmissionForCameraResults
        RtColorRGB cameraColor;
    virtual void EvaluateEmissionForCamera(
        RixLightContext const& lCtx,
        RixSamplePoint const& sample,
        RixScatterPoint const& scatter,
        EvaluateEmissionForCameraResults& results) const = 0;

EvaluateEmissionForCamera() will be called if a light is marked as camera-visible and is intersected by a camera ray. Its result is returned in the EvaluateEmissionForCameraResults structure, which contains the single color field cameraColor.


Code Block
     virtual RixLight* Edit(
        RixContext& ctx,
        RtUString const name,
        RixParameterList const* pList,
        RtPointer instanceData) = 0;

Edit() is the function that will be called after any changes are made to the light properties. It is expected to update the class members for any subsequent sampling. Note that in more sophisticated lighting examples, this could involve such things as computing a new CDF table for a textured light.
