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The name of the coordinate system that the displacement bound is measured in.


  • any of the standard coordinate systems ("screen", "camera", "world", "object")
  • "current", which is the current space (identical to "camera" in RenderMan)
  • "null", which specifies the coordinate system at the time of the RiAttribute call
  • any user-defined coordinate system created with RiCoordinateSystem
displacementbound:spherestringnullAmount to pad the bounding box. The size is specified by identifying a single floating-point value which is the radius of a  sphere  which is guaranteed to contain the maximum possible displacement, and the name of the  coordinate system  in which this sphere resides. This value should be as tight as possible.

by default, geometry that is entirely offscreen, but displaces into view may be prone to undertessellation because of the offscreen dicing strategy. In the (rare) cases where this becomes a problem, the user should set this attribute to the value of 1, and in doing so is also required to set a reasonable displacementbound. Doing both correctly will then incur a performance penalty commensurate with the size of the displacement bound, but also guaranteeing that no part of the geometry in question that displaces into view will ever undertessellate. This default is also controlled by a rendermn.ini setting: /prman/displacementbound/offscreen


Tracing Controls

trace:autobiasinteger1Allow the renderer to automatially adjust ray bias, 0 is off
trace:biasfloat0.01The user-set bias amount, typically small values to offset a ray to avoid artifacts such as shadow acne
trace:displacementsinteger1Trace displacements (seen in reflections and refractions, etc) 0 is off
trace:samplemotioninteger0Whether motion blurred objects appear in ray-traced results. When 0, the motion blur of other objects hit by rays launched from the object with this attribute will be ignored. When non-zero, motion blur will be taken into account by rays launched from an object with this attribute
