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The RIX_PATTERNCREATE() macro defines the CreateRixPattern() method, which is called by the renderer to create an instance of the pattern plugin. Generally, the implementation of this method should simply return a new allocated copy of your pattern class. Similarly, the RIX_PATTERNDESTROY() macro defines the DestroyRixPattern()  method called by the renderer to delete an instance of the pattern plugin; a typical implementation of this method is to delete the passed in pattern pointer:


Code Block




        return new MyPattern();








        delete ((MyPattern*)pattern);



Computing Pattern Output

ComputeOutputParams()   is the heart of a pattern plugin: it evaluates the input parameters, and computes the pattern output. It is called once per graph execution, and all outputs must be computed during this single invocation. The number and type of outputs should match the number and type of outputs declared in the parameter table. The domain of evaluation of this function is a shading context, which is of type RixShadingContext, defined in RixShading.h


After reading input values, output values need to be set up. First, memory buffers for the requested outputs should be allocated using the RixShadingContext memory allocation services. These buffers should then be bound to the requested OutputSpec outputs parameter passed to ComputeOutputParams(), and the type and detail information about those outputs filled in as well. This information should match the declarations from the parameter table. The following code is boilerplate that can be used: it reads the plugin's parameter table, loops through and allocates the appropriate buffers, and sets the detail and type assuming that the output is always a varying color or float (typical of most patterns).

Code Block
    // Find the number of outputs
    RixSCParamInfo const* paramTable = GetParamTable();
    int numOutputs = -1;
    while (paramTable[++numOutputs].access == k_RixSCOutput) {}

    // Allocate and bind our outputs
    RixShadingContext::Allocator pool(sctx);
    OutputSpec* out = pool.AllocForPattern<OutputSpec>(numOutputs);
    *outputs = out;
    *noutputs = numOutputs;
    // looping through the different output ids
    for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; ++i)
        out[i].paramId = i;
        out[i].detail = k_RixSCInvalidDetail;
        out[i].value = NULL;
        type = paramTable[i].type; // we know this
        sctx->GetParamInfo(i, &type, &cinfo);
        if(cinfo == k_RixSCNetworkValue)
            if( type == k_RixSCColor )
                out[i].detail = k_RixSCVarying;
                out[i].value = pool.AllocForPattern<RtColorRGB>(sctx->numPts);
            else if( type == k_RixSCFloat )
                out[i].detail = k_RixSCVarying;
                out[i].value = pool.AllocForPattern<RtFloat>(sctx->numPts);


Finally, the pattern can now actually compute the values that go into the output buffers. This is typically done by using the inputs and looping through the number of shaded points RixShadingContext::numPts to compute some values that are stored in the allocated output buffers.

Code Block
RtColorRGB* outColor = (RtColorRGB*) out[k_resultRGB].value; 


for (int i=0; i<sctx->numPts; i++)
    // Compute some output values based on your input. Here we assume
    // outColor is the memory buffer allocated for an output parameter,
    // and inputColor and inputFloat are two inputs that were returned from
    // EvalParam.
    if (style == 1)
        outColor[i] = inputColor[i] * inputFloat[i];


In the simple example above, outColor is assigned the buffer that was allocated corresponding to the private enumeration value k_resultRGB, which matches the position of that output in the parameter table. We assume the style variable was a uniform RtInt input value, so there is only one value for all the points in the shading context. Meanwhile, the inputColor and inputFloat  variable were varying instead of uniform, so they are pointers to an array of RtColorRGB values and array of RtFloat values respectively, one for each shaded point in the shading context.
