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Versions Compared


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What's New

  • Many improvements were made to the Texture Manager usage and behavior 
  • Improved options and user experience when using PxrLayer with the PxrLayerSurface. The widget for layer attributes now has a right-click popup menu allowing for connecting to existing layers and creating new ones 
  • Improvements and fixes were made to the AOV menu and system in the Render Settings
  • When rendering to IPR, templated nodes are pruned from export but hidden objects are not (in case you wish to unhide them interactively). During a batch render, both hidden and templated nodes are pruned from export

    • RfM now has a preference called "Prune Invisible Nodes" which applies during IPR.  By default, during IPR invisible nodes are not pruned, to allow for easily changing visibility interactively. You can find this in Preferences > RenderMan > IPR

Miscellaneous and Important Changes 

  • The global setting for "enable default light" is now respected when starting IPR and preview renders. The default light is removed as soon as any other light is added

  • When a mesh light is created it is now named after the selected transform or group node and parented below it.  This makes it more straightforward to delete a mesh light along with its associated geo.  Attaching a mesh light to multiple selections is still supported, and in that case the light is left at the root level, and a message pointing that out is emitted in the script editor

  • `pluginInfo -q -version RenderMan_for_Maya` now return the full version string, for example: '22.3b2 @ 12345678'

  • Texture atlases are now converted to .tex when exporting a RenderMan Asset

  • The preShapeScript and preShapePythonScript attributes available on archive and procedural nodes now undergo variable substitution

  • Improved the Light Group UX

  • Added a txmanager_rules.json to define more fine-grained txmake settings. Users can define the RMAN_TXMANAGER_RULES user/system environment variable to point to a user-defined txmanager_rules.json. See Texture Manager documentation

  • RfM now defaults to binary RIB for batch renders when RIB mode selected to save disk space

  • Prevent PxrOSL compilation if IPR is running (it may cause renderer instability) and issue a warning. Stop IPR first to compile

  • It's now possible to create render layer overrides for the integrator selection


  • The batch render flag for -cam is now accepted for a different camera

  • Fixed a bug where the image frame number could be off by one when motion blur was enabled and the shutter angle was 360

  • Fixed a bug where the object visibility setting on PxrDomeLight wasn't behaving as expected in RfM

  • The AOV UI didn't handle duplicate display channels correctly

  • Sometimes, a display could use settings from another display driver node instead of the connected one

  • Fixed a bug where cancelling and restarting a preview render in RfM would sometimes fail to successfully restart, would need two pushes of the render button

  • The <layer> and <renderlayer> tokens were not correctly updated

  • Fixed an error when saving preset browser prefs

  • Fixed a bug where IPR/preview renders would sometimes use an unexpected camera

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the rman render command would ignore -ribFormat binary when used to generate an archive with the -ribArchiveFile flag

  • Fixed a bug where license errors weren't showing up for batch renders

  • The 'Restart on change' menu in the IPR button's resolution menu was creation an error

  • Fixed a bug where batch renders could end up with the start frame being off by one if there were nodes in the scene that required runup

  • Fixed potential error when archiving a Maya scene

  • Fixed an error when Maya tries to restore the RLF Editor before RFM has been loaded

  • Fixed a crash that could come about when selecting a color map for the dome light. Certain images could lead to a crash

  • Texture Manager

    • Fixed an error when right-clicking on a texture in the list to re-convert it

    • Added tool tips to buttons to explain their role

    • Added a confirmation dialog before clearing the cache, stating how many gigabytes of textures will be deleted and re-converted

    • Output a message for each converted file with their conversion time

    • Displays a progress bar and disk usage

  • Fixed a bug where motion blur for the particle instancer was looking dimmer than expected due to a doubled up sample

  • Fixed a bug where Maya file nodes using preconverted Mudbox or zbrush textures wouldn't work

  • Environment map preview renders would fail on Windows and has been fixed

  • Fixed a bug where the <f4> token in the output cryptomatte file name wasn't getting substituted properly

  • The "Always Fallback" setting is now respected in the texture manager

Developer Documentation

You can find a useful Doxygenated developer documentation in the Developers' Guide under RfM2

Known Limitations

RenderMan for Maya

  • Light Linking volumes is not currently supported
  • _pref references for Alembic caches not currently supported
  • Only motion blurred meshes and transforms retain their blur after frame changes during IPR
  • Deselecting "Receive Shadows" does not work.
  • Creating a mesh light from existing geometry during IPR will duplicate the geometry in-render. Restart the render to remove the duplicate.
  • We do not support Camera Facing Curves in Xgen
  • Xgen will not reflect changes in the Collection
  • Maya Fur Feedback is not supported



    Xgen : Xgen will crash during live rendering unless you set Window > Preferences > Xgen > Multithreading to "off" (unchecked).