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  1. rfm will read RFMTREE/config/rfm.json. This is the base configuration and should NEVER be altered by you, please make a custom version.
  2. rfm looks for RFM_SITE_PATH and RFM_SHOW_PATH. These can either be environment variables or values in the main rfm.json (prefer the Environment Variable route).
  3. rfm looks for RFM_SITE_PATH/config/rfm.json. if found, it's contents will be merged with the base config.
  4. rfm looks for RFM_SHOW_PATH/config/rfm.json. if found, it's contents will be merged/override the base config and the site config.
  5. rfm looks for ~/rfm/config/rfm.json. if found, it's contents will be merged/override the base config, the site and show config.

override.json can be used to override default values of RfM nodes both standard and custom.

To add extra nodes (patterns, bxdfs, integrators, etc), resources/user/nodes/search_paths should be extended. rfm always expects the same directory structure:
