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Please see the release notes below for all the new capabilities and known issues!

What's New


  • Support for Katana 3.1 added

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Hydra Viewer improvements:
    • The PxrEnvDayLight sunDirection parameter now has a manipulator
    • The Refine Shape and Scale Edges manipulators for PxrRodLightFilter are now available
    • Viewer Manipulators now display annotations
    • Prevented the default Katana light locator from drawing when a light filter is added to a light
    • The PxrPortalLight and PxrDistantLight guides are now distinct from the PxrRectLight and PxrDiskLight representations
    • It is now easier to select lights
    • We now hide the analytic cookie manipulators if the cookieMode is "physical"
    • The width and height controls on the Barn Size manipulator now match line up with the BarnLightFilter visualization
    • The Rod Scale, Cookie Scale, and Barn Scale manipulator handles will now remain orthogonal no matter how the light filter is transformed
  • The RenderMan built-in error handlers are now fully supported (prmanGlobalStatements.errorHandler). This has been extended to include a new handler 'abortall' which indicates the render should be terminated on a katana error
  • All provided shaders with a ramp UI now allow a dynamic number of knots
  • RfK no longer outputs uninitialized values to PxrRamp's colorRamp parameters
  • Deleting primvars and primAttributes now updates in Live Render
  • RfK no longer adds "origin" and "OriginalWindow" to the display lines. These values are properly computed by prman
  • RfK's display option configuration has been adjusted to align with prman's expectations for crop window and overscan


  • Fixed live render crashes when deleting or renaming a light
  • Fixed an error messaged that was displayed when "Tab" was pressed in the Hydra Viewer when a light with no manipulators was selected
  • The Scale Edges manipulator for PxrRodLightFilter in the Viewer are now correctly positioned when the scaleWidth, scaleHeight, and scaleDepth parameters are non-default
  • Fixed a bug where a parented, shared light filter using the "Light + Light Filter" Coordinate System was not drawn in the Viewer and Hydra Viewer
  • Fix a bug that would cause "point" output channels to be emitted with type "int"
  • The UI default value for the Visible In Refraction parameter on lights now matches the default in the renderer
  • The preset browser tab works again
  • Addressed a bug with the preset browser where  exporting light rigs and materials from a parent group failed

  • The preset browser now supports array and dynamic array parameters.  Materials that use PxrRamp can now be correctly saved and imported
  • The autocrop option on RenderOutputDefine for raw OpenEXR renders now works

Miscellaneous Changes




Known Limitations


Live Rendering

  • Creating a mesh light from existing geometry will duplicate the geometry in-render. Restart the render to remove the duplicate.

  • Cannot change a geometry primitive type during live rendering (e.g. from NURBS to polymesh)
  • When assigning a material to a Scene Graph location, that location must be enabled in the live render working set


Katana Limitation

  • Instanced lights with filters using the "Light Filter" coordsys have an incorrect transform. The workaround is to promote the light filter to a shared light filter using a light filter reference.

Katana Limitation
  • When rendering to "it" from Katana, do not stop the render from "it", abort the render from Katana. Your Katana session may freeze for a time if you abort from "it". If you make this mistake you can restore Katana to operation by terminating the prman render process manually. This will be fixed in a future version. You can also avoid this entirely by rendering to the Katana Monitor.

  • We do not receive live render edits from Katana for nodes added at the end of the node graph, right above the Render node.  If a no-op node (e.g. Merge) is inserted above the Render node and the node is added above that then the edit is received.
  • Any live updates will cause interactive motion blur to be disabled. The render must be restarted.
  • PRMan error handlers are not fully supported yet.
  • Instanced lights with filters using the "Light Filter" coordsys have an incorrect transform. The workaround is to promote the light filter to a shared light filter using a light filter reference.
  • There are a few live render limitations in Katana 2.6 that have been resolved in Katana 3.0 based on the improvements to 3.0, typically limitations with live working sets and adding/deleting locations in 2.6