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During startup RenderMan for Katana will automatically load all "discoverable" shaders. Shaders are discoverable if they are found in a search path and (for non-OSL shaders) have an associated Args file.  The standard shader search path mechanism is used when searching for shaders with search paths specified either with PrmanGlobalStatements settings or environment variables:


ShaderTypeEnvironment VariablePrmanGlobalStatements attributeDefault Path
Plugin (C++)RMAN_RIXPLUGINPATHoptions.searchpath.rixplugin$RMANTREE/lib/plugins


If both the environment variable and the attribute are set the resulting search path will be the union of the two strings.


RfK will automatically recurse down a shader path to find shaders in subdirectories. By default it will recurse down 3 subdirectories. This is configurable using the shaderPathRecursionLimit setting in the RfK config file, config.xml.

Args Files

The args files need to be in an Args directory. See the setup in RMANTREE/lib/plugins for an example. Something like this:



You can find out more about Args files in the developer docs download.