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Output Holdout Matte: When using the Holdout workflow, output the Shadow AOV to this specified buffer.


Adaptive Metric: Make use of the improved Variance sampling algorithm as the default. You can use the Contrast-V22 metric as the older technique to match previous renders. The new technique improves the consistency of noise frame to frame. Extra options may be visible for each selection.

    • Contrast-V22: An older metric based on the contrast threshold between samples, this will match sampling from recent previous versions
      • Darkfalloff: used to prevent oversampling in dark areas of an image that may not be important
    • Variance: An improved perceptual variance scheme that should provide consistent noise frame to frame
        Half Buffer: The older "Advanced" sampling technique, note that this may sample more aggressively and you should increase your Variance setting to avoid over sampling
        • Exposure: used to give a hint to the renderer that it should sample based on this exposure bracket (assuming the compositing process stays within that range as not to reveal unsampled noise beyond the expected range)

    Adapt All: Apply the sampling quality criteria (pixel variance) to all color/illumination AOVs. This can increase render time as some AOVs may have more noise than the Beauty and trigger more samples through all the AOVs.


    Level: Enable this to output diagnostic information from render jobs. Useful for timing, debugging, and seeing what RenderMan is doing. Higher numbers are more verbosity. Note there can be a performance impact that adds up by requiring the renderer to lookup these strings.
