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hider:adaptallint0Enable adaptive sampling of all AOVs. When enabled, all channels (beauty pass + AOVs) are considered when deciding if a pixel is converging. The default (off) will ignore the AOVs and only the beauty pass is considered for pixel convergence. So turning off "adaptall" may speed up your render if some of your AOVs never reach the specified variance threshold. Value range: true/false.
hider:adaptivemetricstringvarianceSpecifies the metric used to drive adaptive sampling. "contrast" measures the contrast between samples in a pixel. "variance" measures the variance of the samples in a pixel. "halfbuffer" splits the samples into two classes and measures the difference between the average of each of the two sample classes. "contrast-v22" uses the relative contrast computation of RenderMan 22 and older. "variance-v22" uses the relative variance computation of RenderMan 22 and older. Supported values: contrast, variance, halfbuffer, contrast-v22, variance-v22.
hider:bluenoiseint1Setting to control whether the samples should have a visually pleasing blue noise distribution or not. Default is 1 (on). Set to 0 (off) if the samples in adjacent pixels need to be completely decorrelated. Value range: true/false.
hider:darkfallofffloat0.025De-prioritize low luminance samples in the adaptive sampler. Use this parameter to avoid oversampling dark areas while maintaining overall image quality. Higher values cull more samples, speeding up render time while increasing noise in darker areas. Value range: 0 to 1.
hider:deciditherint0Maximum allowed pixel decimation rate for interactive rendering. When making rapid edits to heavy scenes and this setting is non-zero, the renderer will try to reduce tearing by updating the whole screen progressively with a dissolve-like effect. Set this to zero to disable this and force it to fully update the buckets that it can get to. Value range: 0 to 6.
hider:exposurebracketfloat[2]-1.0 1.0Intended exposure Bracket [min max] in post-production to help inform the adaptive sampling.
hider:extrememotiondofint0Enable improved sampling accuracy. In some cases where a large amount of motion blur is used with depth of field, sampling artifacts could cause an undesirable result. This flag causes a slower but more accurate sampling method to be used to alleviate the artifacts. Due to the performance degradations of this sampling method, this flag should only be used when necessary. Value range: true/false.
hider:geomShadowTermBiasint1This setting will control when to compute and apply a bias to Poly Meshes to avoid the geometric shadow terminator artifacts that appear for shading points when they are visible from a light wrt their shading normal, but not visible wrt their geometric normal. The default value is 1 (on). Set to 0 (off) if you don't want this bias to be applied to the Poly Meshes in your scene. Value range: true/false.
hider:incrementalint0Enables the progressive display of results (rather than bucketed results). Value range: true/false.
hider:maxsamplesint0An explicit limit for the number of samples. If maxsamples is equal to its default then the maximum number of samples will be set equal to 64. Note that minsamples defaults to the square root of the maxsamples setting. Value range: 0 or more.
hider:minextrasamplesint-1This is the minimum number of extra samples that a pixel should continue shooting with after a sample fails to meet its convergence test with the adaptive sampler. Defaults to matching minsamples.
hider:minsamplesint-1Specifies the minimum number of samples for adaptive sampling. The default value is the square root of maxsamples.
hider:pixelfiltermodestringimportanceSpecifies how pixel filtering of camera samples is performed. "Importance" (the default) warps the samples in screen space around the pixel center, and does not share sample results between pixels. "Importance" is needed by some postprocessing algorithms such as denoisers, and is necessary to get the visual benefit of blue-noise samples. It is also needed to produce variance AOVs. "Weighted" is the older method that blends together sample results from neighboring pixels. Supported values: weighted, importance.
hider:samplemotionint1This option toggles the sampling of motion blurred micropolygon in the hider, and is thus only meaningful if motion blur is being used in your scene. By default, this hider option is enabled (set to 1), meaning that micropolygons will be blurred and sampled in the hider. When disabled (set to 0), micropolygons will no longer be blurred before sampling; however, the dPdtime variable will still be computed for all objects. This variable can be output into a separate image using an arbitrary output variable (aov) and used to perform motion blur as a postprocess. Value range: true/false.
hider:sampleoffsetint0This allows several images to be rendered in parallel (with different sampleoffset values) and then combined. With non-adaptive sampling: Let's say you render four images with 256 samples each, with sampleoffsets 0, 256, 512, and 768. If you combine those four images, you'll get exactly the same image as if you had rendered a single image with 1024 samples. With adaptive sampling: Let's say you again render four images, each with "maxsamples" 256, with sampleoffsets 0, 256, 512, and 768. Let's say that due to adaptive sampling, some given pixel only gets 64 pixel samples in each of the four images. Then the combined image has been rendered with sample numbers 0-63, 256-319, 512-575, and 768-831. Due to the stratification of the samples, this is not quite as good as if you had rendered a single image with 256 consecutive samples. However, it is still better than rendering a single image with only 64 samples.
hider:typestringraytraceRender mode. Supported values: raytrace, bake.
Ri:Frameint0Frame number.
Ri:PixelVariancefloat0.015Controls adaptive sampling. This sets the upper bound on the acceptable estimated variance of the pixel values from the true pixel values. Value range: 0 to 1.
Ri:Shutterfloat[2]0 0Scene motion shutter.
Shutter:offsetfloat0Offset shutter open/close.


shade:chiangCompatibilityVersionfloat24.0Setting to allow PxrChiang to work in compatibility mode for older versions of the Bxdf, so renders from different versions can match their results. The default value is 24.0.
shade:debugint0Shading debug level. Value range: true/false.
shade:roughnessmollificationfloat1.0Specular Roughness Mollification. This selectively increases material roughness on secondary bounces after diffuse or broad glossy reflections and on highly curved surfaces. This reduces noise and fireflies, but can also make caustics blurrier or disappear entirely. Set this value to 0.0 when you want to render ground-truth caustics. The default value is 1.0.
shade:shadowBumpTerminatorint1Setting to control whether bump shadow terminators are smoothed in non-hair bxdfs. Value range: true/false.
statistics:displace_ratiosfloat[2]0.1 1Suppress reporting of displacements that, when divided by the max displacement, fall in the specified range.
statistics:filenamestringemptyFile name for summary statistics reported in plain text. (Legacy)
statistics:levelint0Enable statistics reporting. Value range: true/false. (Legacy)
statistics:maxdispwarningsint100Modify the maximum reported displacement issues. If the value is set to 0, then all displacements issues are reported. Value range: 0 or more. (Legacy)
statistics:shaderprofilestringemptyThe filename for shader profile output. (Legacy)
statistics:stylesheetstringemptyStylesheet for XML detailed statistics. (Legacy)
statistics:texturestatslevelint0Enable texture statistics reporting. Value range: true/false. (Legacy)
statistics:xmlfilenamestringemptyFile name for detailed statistics reported as XML. (Legacy)


limits:brickmemoryint2097152Brickmap cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:bucketsizeint[2]16 16Size of render buckets in pixels.
limits:deepshadowerrorfloat0.01Control lossy compression scheme to reduce file size of deep output. Setting to a high value will result in lower numbers of samples stored for each pixel. Value range: 0 to 1.
limits:geocachememoryint2097152Geometry cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:gridsizeint289Value range: 1 or more.
limits:matrixcachememoryint0Matrix cache in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:nurbcurvaturedicefactorint3NURBs max curvature multiplier. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:octreememoryint20480None cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:opacitycachememoryint1048576Opacity cache in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:othresholdfloat[3]0.99609375 0.99609375 0.99609375Opacity Culling: When rendering scenes with a large number of semi-transparent layered objects (e.g. hair), the opacity culling threshold can be set for a significant time and memory savings. Essentially, a stack of visible points whose accumulated opacity is greater (in each channel) than the specified limit will be considered fully opaque by the hider, and objects behind the stack will be culled.
limits:pointmemoryint20480Point cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:proceduralbakingclumpsizeint0Value range: 0 or more.
limits:ptexturemaxfilesint128Value range: 1 or more.
limits:ptexturememoryint32768PTex cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:rendermemoryfloat0Memory limit as percentage of machine memory. Value range: 0 to 1.
limits:rendertimeint0Maximum render time in minutes. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:shadesizeint289The maximum number of vertices, not grid. Value range: 1 or more.
limits:texturememoryint2097152Texture cache size in kB. Value range: 0 or more.
limits:threadsint0Set the number of threads that the renderer uses. If a value of 0 is specified then all CPUs will be utilized for rendering. If a negative value '-N' is specified then prman will use all but N CPUs for rendering.
searchpath:archivestringemptySearch path for Rib archives and DelayedReadArchive.
searchpath:dirmapstringemptySearch path remapping.
searchpath:displaystringemptySearch path for display plug-ins.
searchpath:proceduralstringemptySearch path for DynamicLoad procedural plug-ins.
searchpath:rifilterstringemptySearch path for Rif plug-ins.
searchpath:rixpluginstringemptySearch path for shading plug-ins.
searchpath:shaderstringemptySearch path for OSL pattern plug-ins.
searchpath:texturestringemptySearch path for texture files.
