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titleLighting Limitations
As the light selection scheme in this phase one release of XPU is yet to be implemented, we recommend keeping the number of lights in your scene to a minimum, preferring to look develop your assets illuminated via a single PxrDomeLight for example.




Subdivision Surfaces

Catmull-Clark only

Polygonal Surfaces




Some features not available
Quadrics and Blobbies
Nested Instancing

Notes : 

  1. Loop Subdivision.  Catmull-Clark for both quads and triangles is supported

  2. Points.  Have been partially implemented.  Point falloff is not yet supported

  3. The built-in curvature doesn't match RIS and will be receiving enhancements in a future release

  4. Object attributes such as maxdiffusedepth and maxspeculardepth not yet implemented



Integration & Ray TracingRISXPUNotes



Some features not available



Some features not available

Trace Sets

Notes : 

  1. numBxdfSamples, numLightSamples, numIndirectSamples (and their manually set counterparts) are not supported.

  2. PxrOcclusion , PxrVisualizer and PxrUnified are is not yet supported.

  3. clampDepth and clampLuminance (used to suppress fireflies) have not been implemented

  4. Russian Roulette has not been implemented

  5. allowCaustics is always 1



Post ProcessingRISXPUNotes

Sample and Display Filters


AOVs and LPEs


Deep Output



Notes :

  1. XPU currently only outputs EXR or TIFF frames
    PxrCamera not supported yet.

  2. Adaptive sampling is yet to be implemented

  3. Motion blur has not been fully implemented

  4. Trace Subsets have not been implemented.  This then impacts the subsurfaceSubset feature of PxrSurface
    Volumes not yet implemented
    User defined AOVs or LPEs not yet implemented

  5. Only some geometric built-in AOVs are available under the same name they are available for RIS
    Holdouts, shadow collectors not yet implemented

  6. Deep Output. Coming soon.

  7. Multi-camera, multi-frame are not yet supported
    PxrOcclusion, PxrUnified integrators are not supported.

  8. The built-in curvature calculation different is different to RIS, which results in differences in specular mollification.

  9. The "weighted" option for the pixelfiltermode parameter to the Hider is not yet supported.

  10. Procedurals not supported.  However, if you are using the latest XGen in Maya, you should get renders of your data.

  11. Baking - either at the pattern level via PxrBakeTexture or at the renderer level to bake global illumination is not yet supported.