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Versions Compared


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  • If you use ROI and overscan or cropWindow, the ROI will have to be adjusted slightly after a resolution edit to get the correct value during a live render
  • Instanced lights with filters using the "Light Filter" coordsys have an incorrect transform. The workaround is to promote the light filter to a shared light filter using a light filter reference.
  • We do not receive live render edits from Katana for nodes added at the end of the node graph, right above the Render node.  If a no-op node (e.g. Merge) is inserted above the Render node and the node is added above that then the edit is received.
  • Any live updates will cause interactive motion blur to be disabled. The render must be restarted to see motion blur.


Changes in RenderMan for Katana 25.1

  • Issues seen when performing ROI edits (particularly shrinking a crop window) during a Live Render session in RfK (including crashes and wrong renders) have been fixed.  RMAN-20580
  • Fixed issue that prevented usd lights from rendering in RenderMan Hydra delegate in Katana 6.  RMAN-20323
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when switching between RenderMan Hydra delegates in Katana.  RMAN-20324
  • Issues seen when performing ROI edits during a Live Render session in RfK (including crashes and wrong renders) have been fixed.  RMAN-20580