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"it" is not your usual python interpreter so there are some things to know about adding scripts.

Reloading a Script

When a custom command is loaded via a .ini file you would typically put and file called it.ini in a folder alongside the python file containing your code. The it.ini file would look like this:

LoadExtension python
# It's a good idea to log the presence of the extension so we know
# what we have on our RMS_SCRIPT_PATHS
LogMsg NOTICE "Registered acmd extension"

Then in the python file we might have something like:


import it
def getCatalog(name):
    ''' return a catalog by name, if not found
        then create a new one.
    model =
    for cat in model.GetCatalogs():
        if cat.GetLabel() == name:
            return cat
    cat =
    return cat
If you editing heavily as you develop your code you might not want to keep quitting "it" to get it to reload We can't use python's reload() command because, for various reasons, is not loaded as a python module. We can fix this by not loading directly and instead using a intermediate loading script that does import as a module.
First modify you it.ini file to point to the intermediate file:


LoadExtension python
# It's a good idea to log the presence of the extension so we know
# what we have on our RMS_SCRIPT_PATHS
LogMsg NOTICE "Registered loader extension"

Now in this new file we set things up in python so we can load as a module. In we have:

import sys
import os
# this file is exec'd so python's __file__ is not accurate, we want to add the current
# dir to python's import path. Fortunately "it" passes us the correct file name:
moduledir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__it_extension_file__)) 

# import modules. Note we could loop over all .py files found in moduledir if
# wanted to do something clever
import acmd"imported acmd")
Now when you launch "it" acmd will be loaded and if you edit, save it and then in the Console window you can type:
py> reload(it.extensions.acmd)
Note that extensions are always loaded into it.extensions to keep them from colliding with python built-ins or "it" built-ins.