Tractor Engine

Central job queue, installed on one host only.
C++, Python, Postgresql (bundled)
Compatible Operating Systems: Linux 64-bit (gcc4.4), macOS (12.x+)

Tractor Blade

Task execution server, installed on render farm hosts.
Stand-alone pure Python 2.7 and 3.6+
Uses stock Python library modules only.
Runs with the local site-installed Python (or venv) as a zipapp or pip installed wheel.
Also included in the full Tractor installer using the bundled python.
Compatible Operating Systems: Linux-64, macOS 12.x+, and Windows 7+.

Tractor Dashboard

Web-browser based user interface, job and blade information and control.
Pure javascript, served from tractor-engine. No platform-specific plugins required.
Compatible Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. 

Tractor Job Submission and Query

Advanced command line tools on user workstations and scripting APIs.
Job Authoring, Submission, and Query API wheels for pip install into local Python 2.7 and 3.6+
Command-line submission and alternate API installer as stand-alone zipapp for Python 2.7 and 3.6+.
Uses stock Python library modules only.
Also included in the full Tractor installer using the bundled python.

Compatible Operating Systems: Linux-64, macOS 12.x+, and Windows 7+.

RenderMan DCC Integrations

Job Authoring and Submission for supported RenderMan DCC integrations.
The Job Authoring and Submission Python modules are built-in as part of the
RenderMan integrations into Houdini, Katana, Maya, and Blender.