The Lama Dielectric node is useful for all kinds of materials.  Adding a coating layer to a diffuse layer will create a basic plastic material, clear and muddy liquids, through to beautiful glass materials. 

When working with Glass materials and objects, there are a few things you need to take into account.

  1.  Your Specular Depth needs to be set high enough to allow all the rays to pass through your object so that you get a fully transparent object. 

    In the following examples, the Max Specular Depth was set to 22.  This ensured that rays passed through all the intricate elements inside of the mechanical teapot and we don't get any black areas in our glass teapot.  For more information on this, you can watch the RenderMan Fundamentals lesson on Lama Dielectric

  2. You need to ensure that in your LamaSurface node, you have turned on 

Colored Glass

This first example demonstrates how to create a colored glass material accurately.

Whilst you might think that you use Reflection Tint and Transmission Tint to create a physically accurate colored glass, you'd be mistaken.  Those two controls are there to be used subtly to adjust your tint(s) to match your reference material.

The correct way is to set your glass color with Absorption Color and then tweak Absorption Radius to control how much light is absorbed.  In the example above, our big teapot stands tall at 20cm and therefore the Absorption Radius was set to 0.02. 

Materials X Lama and the parameters are there for you to have ultimate control over your material and so feel free to adjust your settings to match your desired look and reference images
