Setting up a new ACES project in Maya

When starting a fresh new project, there are a number of steps you need to do to get up and rendering with ACES within RenderMan.

Converting an older Linear Maya project to ACES

If you wish to pick up an older Maya project and re-render it using ACES, here are some guidelines.

If you have a texture that is already in the ACES color space, such as an EXR texture from Mari or Substance Painter, please note that you need to add '_acescg' into the filename to ensure that the texture manager knows your texture is already in the ACES color space and doesn't apply a second conversion, thus making your textures look darker than they should look  To ensure that you are working in the best possible color workflow, we recommend using EXR or 16bit Lossless PNGs

As TxMake works its magic in converting your textures to ACES, you will notice that it will add the _acescg suffix to your texture filename for convenience