This node creates controlled random variations. The variation source can be attribute- or primvar-based. Primvars should have a constant detail (a single value per object). Only non-zero id/primvar/attribute values will create a variation. If the source can not be read, there will be no variation. Being able to lookup an arbitrary float or int attribute is a good way to debug a scene. For examples, if you are wondering which objects are single-sided, you can enter 'Ri:Sides' in varName.

Input Parameters

Input Color

The color that you would like to vary.

Vary Source

The source of the variation. One of:

Variable Name

If varySource is 1 or 2, the name of the primvar or user attribute. If using a primvar, it should be either constant; per-vertex/face primvars are not supported. For user attributes, type "user:myattribute".

Variable Type

The type of the primvar or user attribute used to seed variation. If using a primvar, it should be either uniform or constant; per-vertex/face primvars are not supported.


Limit random hue shift. Ranges from 0 (no variation) to 1 (full variation).


Limit random saturation scale. Ranges from 0 (no variation) to 1 (full variation).


Limit random luminance scale. Ranges from 0 (no variation) to 1 (full variation).


Limit random gamma variation. Ranges from 0 (no variation) to 1 (full variation).



Range from 0 to 1 specifies the possibility of applying the variation.

Hue Mode

How the color hue will be varied:

Saturation Mode

How the color saturation will be varied:

Luminance Mode

How the color luminance will be varied:

Gamma Mode

How the color gamma will be varied:


Allows the variations to be changed without altering the set primvar

Scale Normalized Primvar

Will take the set primvars and scale them to an expected 0-1 range used in the pattern for items that the primvar scale is beyond the normalized range


Outputs various infos to help you debug your scenes.

Output Parameters


The clamped color result.


The R channel from the resultRGB output.


The G channel from the resultRGB output.


The B channel from the resultRGB output.