Welcome to RenderMan 22.1!

Welcome to RenderMan 22.1. This release introduces improvements to the previous RenderMan.

Please dive right into the release notes below for more detailed information on the latest version of your favorite renderer!

Interactive Denoising using NVIDIA's AI Denoiser

New Features in 22.1

RenderMan 22.1 brings further refinement to the RenderMan 22 world.

Enabling the NVIDIA Denoiser on an example scene.

Nvidia's AI Denoiser  — "it" now includes the Nvidia's Artificial Intelligence Denoising solution for previews of beauty renders. Get cleaner previews with the interactive denoise feature while making changes and refining your scene choices. (Note that this greatly increases the download size.)

Non-Commercial RenderMan Released — NCR RenderMan is now available at no cost for users wanting to explore high quality rendering.

New Wireframe Pattern — A new pattern, PxrWireframe, for rendering wireframes in any integrator is now included.

Improved Light Learning Scheme — We introduce a new light selection scheme that takes advantage of machine learning to improve lighting results on scenes with many lights and lights that may be occluded/shadowed. Enabled as a rendering option: Option "lighting" "int selectionlearningscheme" [1]




Miscellaneous Changes

  • Change default for option trace worldorigin to "camera". This solves issues with precision in large scenes where locations can be many units away from the origin
  • The IOR in PxrSurface has been raised to a max of 5
  • C and C++ deeptexture APIs and utilities have been restored but these are deprecated and will be removed in a future release

  • Fixed sample count is not supported by the renderer for mesh lights, the control is removed

  • Empty string (i.e. "") traceset is now the same as NULL or unspecified, this may resolve some issues with grouping and trace sets not operating as expected


  • A bug leading to incorrect normals on points with radius larger than 1 has been fixed

  • Issues with facevarying data on RiPoints have been addressed

  • Fixed an issue where GPU Denoise for sequences may crash
  • Fixed bugs in the denoiser's GPU mode that could lead to either crashing or black images
  • A slowdown for non-pretessellated objects with deformation motion blur and overly large displacement bounds has been fixed

  • A bug where the renderer failed to fall back to uncached presence and opacity when caching was requested on RiPoints has been fixed

  • Fixed a bug causing potential for render hangs when using coincident or nearly-coincident lights

  • Fixed a bug causing a small chance of hangs when using more than 32 lights


Interactive/Live Rendering Limitations

RenderMan Pro Server Limitations