
Num Samples

Controls the number of samples used to calculate curvature. More samples can reduce the noise at the cost of increased render time.

Max Distance

Samples travel a certain distance before being terminated. Lower values tend to generate sharper changes while larger ones spread out the effect and may lose details. Other objects may occlude as your distance becomes higher. Interiors are the most obvious way to see this effect. 0.0 means "infinite", or essentially your scene extent.

Trace Set

You may use Trace Sets to include other objects from the rays being traced. Helpful when you need a large Max Distance but don't want other objects occluding the result. Note this is not an exclusion, it's inclusion of the specified set.

Sample Distribution

Possible values are, in order, uniform and cosine (Lambertian).

UniformRays are not weighted in any particular direction.
CosineRays are weighted in the normal direction based on Cosine Spread parameter below.

Cosine Spread

Sample spread of rays when using cosine distribution. A value of 1.0 gives a perfect Lambertian distribution.


The bias will affect the falloff of the curvature and will be linear, decreasing with the distance from the shaded point. Bias can be used to take further samples into account more or less while nearby points have more weight.

Output Type

Set to "Concave", only concave curvature will be output. Set to "Convex", only convex curvature will be output. "Both" will show both convex and concave curvature.