RenderMan for Maya provides a RenderMan menu in Maya's main menu bar, for easy access to features of the plug-in.


Starts a render of the current frame to "it" or Maya's Render view.

 IPR Render

Starts an interactive preview rendering session.

Batch Render

Starts a batch render.

Bake Render

Starts a bake render, which is a kind of batch render that bakes textures without illumination.  Select the option box to access preferences for spooling to Tractor or LocalQueue.

Render Settings...

Opens Maya's Render Settings window with RenderMan as the current renderer.

Archive >

Export, Import, or select RenderMan Archive nodes

Diagnose >

View Statistics

Opens the statistics file from the last render in a web browser

View RIB

Opens a newly generated RIB file in a text editor (note we do not create a RIB when rendering inside Maya)

View RIB for selection

Generates a RIB file in a text editor containing the geometry calls for the current selection in Maya

Script Editor Logging Level

Choose the amount of verbosity you desire to be output into the Maya Script Editor. Debug has the most output, useful for problem solving, with Info being the least and displaying progress information.

Disk Logging Level

Output logs written to disk and have the same options as Script Editor above but include Error, Critical, and Warning message levels.


About RfM...

Opens a dialog showing version and build number information