Welcome to RenderMan for Maya 22!

This new release of RenderMan for Maya 22 (RfM), includes a number of new features to address feedback as well as many improvements to RenderMan for Maya workflow and performance. Many parts of the plugin have been completely rewritten to improve integration into Maya and simply worflow.

Please see the release notes below for all the new capabilities and known issues!


What's New

Interactive Rendering

Now you can render through all stages of your pipeline! From modeling to final renders, RenderMan is designed to give you immediate feedback from inside Maya. By skipping the export of a scene to RIB, artists can get an immediate look at their work in full ray traced mode and continue to interact and make changes without needing to restart the render.

Render to Viewport 2.0

Render to the same window where you work! Move objects, make modeling changes, add and alter materials and lights, even import and update asserts without needing to stop the render. RenderMan becomes your viewport at all stages!

Interface Simplification

Better organization, smart exposure of options and attributes, and more-native workflows mark this iteration of the RenderMan for Maya plugin.



Miscellaneous and Important Changes

Known Limitations

RenderMan for Maya


Alpha Limitations for RfM - These are expected to be resolved before release