This pattern layers the input vector displacement patterns.

Each PxrDispVectorLayer supports up to 5 layers. To use more than 5 layers, we could connect the result of one PxrDispVectorLayer node to the input of another PxrDispVectorLayer node. 

If you need more than 5 layers, connect the result of one PxrDispVectorLayer node to the input of another PxrDispVectorLayer node.

We need to connect the result to the input of PxrDisplace's Vector Displacement in order to displace the geometry.


Input Parameters

Overall Gain

Controls the gain of the final layered vector displacement result. This is handy when we want to globally adjust the amount of all layered displacement values. Each layer's gain is being multiplied by this parameter.

Base Layer


By default, the base layer is enabled. But say we need to debug, we can disable the base layer by unchecking this parameter. It if is unchecked, the base layer will be skipped for layering.

Base Layer Gain

Gain for the base layer.

Base Layer Vector

Connection to the vector displacement pattern. It can be any pattern's output a vector or color result such as resultXYZ or resultRGB.



If checked, layer 1 is enabled.

Layer 1 Gain

Gain for the layer 1.

Layer 1 Vector

Connection to the vector displacement. It can be any pattern's output a vector or color result such as resultXYZ or resultRGB.

Layer 1 Mask

Mask for this layer 1. Values closer to zero will apply less of this layer.

Layer 1 Operation

Choose how this layer's displacement combines with the base layer.



If checked, layer 2 is enabled.

Layer 2 Gain

Gain for the layer 2.

Layer 2 Vector

Connection to the vector displacement. It can be any patterns that output a vector or color result such as resultXYZ or resultRGB.

Layer 2 Mask

Mask for this layer 2. Values closer to zero will apply less of this layer.

Layer 2 Operation

Choose how this layer's displacement combines with the previous layer. If the layer 1 is not enabled, it will combine with the result of the base layer.

Layer 3 to 4

Similar parameters to Layer 2.

Output Parameters


The vector result.


The X component from the resultXYZ output.


The Y component from the resultXYZ output.


The Z component from the resultXYZ output.