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Welcome to RenderMan 23.0!

Welcome to RenderMan 23. This release introduces improvements to the previous RenderMan in very significant ways.

Please dive right into the release notes below for more detailed information on the latest version of your favorite renderer!

New Features in 23.0

True Interactive Rendering — Rely on RenderMan like never before with the ability to continuously render while you work. We no longer use the intermediate step of rendering to RIB in interactive sessions. See changes immediately and make decisions sooner while refining your artistic choices. RenderMan has the ability to update while artists model scenes, complete layout, perform look development, and much more.  We've removed many of the restrictions that require users restart a render or wait for feedback.

Interactive edits are now possible on displays 

Interactivity in heavy scenes

When making rapid edits to heavy scenes and this setting is non-zero, the renderer will try to reduce tearing by updating the whole screen progressively with a dissolve-like effect using a new option we call "decidither."

Enhanced adaptive sampling and a new default

Important improvements to how RenderMan performs adaptive sampling have been made.  Minor tweaks are still being investigated during the beta phase.

All of these enhancements will likely mean that you will need to rethink your adaptive sampling defaults if you tweaked them in an older version.  Because minor tweaks may be made between the RenderMan 23.0 beta and the release, you may want to revisit your defaults again at that time.

Important Differences


There have also been many subtractions designed to improve the user experience through simplification and streamline performance options. In many cases they were a duplicate function and valid options and attributes can be found in the Developer Section of the documentation. These changes may impact your scripts, plugins, pipeline, and more.


Miscellaneous Changes

  • We now support changes to min/max samples and variance during interactive rendering.
  • PxrBlackBody now supports Rec709 and ACEScg color spaces.

  • A crash caused by degenerate VDB volume data has been addressed.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the renderer could crash during expansion of procedurals if the procedural had an invalid transformation matrix.

Known Rendering Differences

Known Limitations

Interactive/Live Rendering Limitations

RenderMan Pro Server