
Starting with 23.3, RenderMan can bake integrator results to images or points clouds.

Potential applications include transferring pre-computed global illumination for real-time realtime playback or optimising render times for large static assets.


The current implementation comes with a number of important limitations:

2D Baking

The name(s) of the baked image file(s) is/are specified with a Display line. Baking uses the same display drivers as raytrace rendering, including openexr, tiff, png, and many more.

Usually one will want to bake to a separate image for each object. This can be done by encoding the Display filename with string “wildcards” that get substituted with actual filenames depending on Attributes on the objects. For example:

Display "<user:filename>.exr" "openexr" "rgb"

In this case, the wildcard <user:filename> is replaced by the corresponding user attribute specified for each object. For example:

Attribute "user" "string filename" "box1_global"

which then gets substituted into the Display filename. Alternatively, the filename can be specified with other attributes such as <identifier:name>. No image will be baked for an object if the wildcard substitution fails or if the filename for that object is the empty string.

The resolution of the baked 2D images is determined by the standard Format description. For example:

Format 256 256 1