The Maya file node provides a convenient way to apply textures to surfaces and drive parameters. However, RenderMan only supports a subset of the controls based on the preferred workflow.


Supported Features:

File Attributes

Image Name - The path to the texture(s) you want to use

UV Tiling Mode - We support all except for Explicit Tiles

Use Image Sequence - This can be more convenient than using expressions in other nodes


Color Balance

Default Color - This color fills-in where there is no texture coverage

Color Gain - This is a color multiplier for the texture

Color Offset - Adds this color value to the texture

Alpha Gain - A multiplier for the texture alpha value (your texture needs an alpha channel unless you have selected Alpha is Luminance)

Alpha Offset - Adds this value to the alpha value of the texture (your texture needs an alpha channel unless you have selected Alpha is Luminance)



Invert - Inverts the values of the texture, colors become their opposite value on the color wheel

Color Remap - Use a ramp to change hue and contrast values


RenderMan Controls: 

We use our own file filtering options contained in the RenderMan rollout. We recommend Box and it is the default.