Shading Nodes

Shading Engine Connection

Connect RenderMan nodes to the RenderMan plug (default) or Maya plug. Using the default RenderMan plug leaves Maya plugs unused and available for other in-Maya options (like Surface Shader and Displacement for example)

Default Maya Surface

When using the RenderMan plugs, create this type of Maya node to assigning by default. Typically Lambert.

Render Swatches

Allows the rendering of preview swatches/material swatches in the Hypershade.

Scene Versioning

Increment Version

Manually: User must select to save and increment the scene.

On Preview Render: Scene is automatically incremented each time it is preview rendered (not interactive renders)

On Batch Render: Scene is automatically incremented each time it is batch rendered

Increment Take

Manually: User must select to save a new take

On Preview Render: Scene take is incremented on a preview render (not interactive renders)

On Batch Render: Scene take is incremented on a batch render

Version Padding

The padding used to increment a scene, the default is 3 meaning versions will have three digits, example: 001

Take Padding

The padding used to increment the takes of a scene, the default is 2 meaning takes will have two digits, example: 01