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The Common Tab provides settings shared between all renderers in Maya. Note that this configuration is visible after setting RenderMan as the renderer or opening the settings from the RenderMan menu.

You will find most of this functionality has been moved to the Workspace Tab to simplify selections. Below is an explanation of older options we do not support and many have been removed from the RenderMan Common Tab.


Does not apply, if this is visible, toggle your renderer selection away and back to RenderMan to refrash.

File Name

Does not apply, please use the Workspace Tab for naming using convenient tokens.

Image Size

Displays the resolution (generally in pixels and inches).

Color Management

RenderMan does not support the Output Transform setting. However, view remapping is available in "it".

File Output

The name of rendered image files can be composed of up to three elements: file name, frame number, and file format.

File Name Prefix

Determines the base name for rendered images.

Image Format

Does not apply, the AOVs tab sets the display driver.


Does not apply, the AOVs tab sets the compression in the Display Driver

Frame/Animation Ext

The   format used to name output images.

Frame Padding

Does not apply, use the Workspace Tab to set this with the tokens as explained on the documentation page.

Framebuffer/Naming Scheme

Does not apply to RfM, these are set in the AOVs tab

Use Custom Extension

Does not apply to RfM, use the Workspace tab as mentioned above.

Frame Range

Start Frame, End Frame

Specifies the first and last frames to render. Frame/Animation Ext must be set to an option containing # to enable these parameters, otherwise a single frame will be used.

By Frame

The increment between the output names of rendered frames. By Frame is only available if Frame/Animation Ext is set to an option containing #.

Renderable Cameras

Renderable Camera

Select your render camera from this list.  If your scene has only one renderable camera (for example, the perspective camera), whatever camera is selected in this drop-down list becomes the renderable camera. In other words, the newly selected camera becomes the renderable one in your scene (the default perspective camera becomes unrenderable).

Alpha Channel (Mask)

Determines whether rendered images contain a mask channel.

Depth Channel (Z Depth)

Determines whether rendered images contain a depth channel. Preferred to use the AOVs tab to specify __depth or Z.

Image Size


Choose a resolution for your output images based on a selection of industry standards.

Maintain Width/Height Ratio

If this box is checked, custom resolutions will maintain a locked ratio between height and width. By disabling this parameter, any numbers may be enter for image resolution.


For custom resolutions, enter the desired resolutions here.

Size Units

Select an appropriate unit of measurement.


Set the rendered resolution of your image.

Resolution Units

Select the units in which the resolution is defined, either pixels per inch or per centimeter.

Device Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of your target display (e.g. "it" or Maya's Render View).

Pixel Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio of the individual pixels of the display device on which you are viewing the rendered image.

Render Options

Enable Default Light

Turn the default lighting on or off during rendering. Note that we do not render a default light when you have RenderMan lights in the scene

Pre/Post MEL scripts

These are fields for entering MEL scripts/commands to be run at the specified times.