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PxrLayerMixer is an OSL pattern which mixes the input PxrLayer nodes.

Each PxrLayerMixer supports up to optional 4 layers in addition to the base layer which is always required. Note that its result can be connected to another PxrLayerMixer node. So there is no limit to the total number of layers.

The layered output will be connected to the input of PxrSurface or its simpler versions such as PxrStandardSurface's inputMaterial.

By default, only the base layer and layer1 are enabled.


A Base Material is required. But the next layer does not need to be in sequence. In other words, you could connect a layer to Layer 2 without connecting to Layer 1. This adds flexibility for the look development workflow should you need to add/remove or re-order layers.




Base Material

Connect a PxrLayer that is for the base layer. This is your base or bottom layer like glass, metal, skin, wood, etc. Other layers are on top of this base layer.


Layer Controls


This turns the layer on and off. If off, this layer will not render.


Layer 1

Connection to a PxrLayer that is for layer 1. This is where you connect your material layer like glass, label, dirt, etc.


Layer 1 Mask

Mask for this layer 1. Values closer to zero will apply less of this layer. A value of 0.0 is off or invisible while 1.0 is on or completely visible.


Layers 2 to 4

These use the same controls as described above.