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Projection Plugins are the lens through which RenderMan views the digital scene.  You can create custom projection plugins using C++.  RenderMan comes with multiple plugins with PxrCamera being the common projection. The Omnidirectional Stereo projection renders images in a format suitable for VR viewing.

See Projection Plugins for more information.

By default, RenderMan for Blender will map the default Blender camera types using the table below:


To explicitly set the projection plugin used for the camera, go to the camera data properties and go to the RenderMan Projection subpanel under the RenderMan Camera panel, and click Add Projection Plugin.

Next, select the projection plugin you're interested and click OK.

You should now see parameters for the projection plugin in the panel.

Note, the Use Camera FOV option will copy what's currently used for the camera's field of view settings, effectively ignoring the FOV settings on the plugin. This help matches what the current view for the camera is in the viewport.