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The Live Stats Window, available in all DCC plugins, presents a live update of metrics from the a running render. It includes a variety of overview information including memory, timing, ray count, and progress. The top of the window contains render connection status information. When there is an active render the window will automatically connect and the current render stats server will be displayed. 

Before Connection

Before a render is connected the timing and ray count breakdowns are set to a default of 20% time each and the Connection Status at the top of the window will show “No render active"

Not Connected". The

. As renders are started and stopped the stats panel will automatically connect

to local renders.Image Removed

and disconnect.

During the Render

Once a render is connected the live stats will start coming in and the UI will update about once per second. The following data is tracked:

Max Samples Max Samples value from Render Settings.

Time to First Ray Renderer's estimate of the elapsed time before the first ray is traced.

Time to First Pixel Renderer's estimate of the elapsed time before the first pixel is written.

Time to First Iteration Renderer's estimate of the time elapsed before the first complete iteration.

Memory Current process memory (resident).

Timer Breakdown (RIS only) Approximate breakdown of the total time spent in five major render subsystems.

Ray Count Breakdown (RIS only) Ray count total broken down by ray typ.

Iterations Progress bar showing the render's current iteration.

Progress Overall progress percentage.


XPU timer and ray count breakdown charts are currently only available in the Stats Portal application. A future release will incorporate them into the DCC Live Stats panels.