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If random id sections colors are too close together on adjacent objects, tune this value above one to see random colors spread farther apart, resulting in more consistent edge detection across object boundaries.


Albedo Color

Pass -Through Color through color, can connect Output output RGB to PxrSurface Diffuse Colorcolor

Line Albedo Color

Color of lines generated in PxrStylizedLinesDisplayFilter when Line Color From Pattern option chosen


If Line Thickness From Pattern chosen from PxrStylizedLinesDisplayFilter, this line thickness is used for all objects this node attached to.

Line Thickness Remap



OFF: use only float Line Thickness value

ON: connect upstream Pattern (fractal, texture, ...) to Line Thickness, then use remap_min and remap_max below to linearly step between the two.  For example: if you have a fractal going between 0..1 plugged into Line Thickness, remap_min=0, remap_max=10, then your final line thickness will be 10 where the fractal is 1 (white) and 0 where the fractal is 0 (black)

If Line Thickness From Pattern chosen from PxrStylizedLinesDisplayFilter and upstream node connected to Line Thickness, use this min value to remap upstream 0 value to. Example: if PxrFractal is plugged in upstream to Line Thickness, the 0 (black) value in the PxrFractal pattern will remap to this min.

Line Thickness Remap Max

If Line Thickness From Pattern chosen from PxrStylizedLinesDisplayFilter and upstream node connected to Line Thickness, use this min value to remap upstream 0 value to. For example: if PxrFractal is plugged in upstream to Line Thickness, the 1 (white) value in the PxrFractal pattern will remap to this max.

Line Mask

Mask out unwanted areas for resulting edge detected lines by plugging upstream node texture or pattern.

Hatching Mask

Mask out unwanted areas for resulting hatching by plugging in upstream node texture or pattern.  Stores value in GREEN channel of NPRline mask

Sections Map Switch

Use map in sections \map below to define variance in image instead of random id

Sections Map

Optional color map to add lines where they don't get detected by random id per object. For example: if edge detection is desired to be triggered along the chin of a character where the random sections id is not different, plug in an upstream texture map that has 2 different colors painted in the desired area, and the resulting sections map will be passed to edge detection algorithm. The default of black (0,0,0) doesn't trigger change.

Sections Map Black Mask Switch

Where it's black in custom sections Map, composite over existing sections random color

Sections HSV

Tint Sections Map in HSV. 1st input = Hue, 2nd input = Saturation, 3rd input = Value


If using Blended Triplanar Projections in PxrStylizedHatchingDisplayFilter, optionally plug upstream point P XYZ into RGB here. ExampleFor example: for a deformation animation of a character, a custom __Pref via PxrProjector or PxrManifold3d can be connected here.


If using Texture Coordinates in PxrStylizedHatchingDisplayFilter, optionally plug upstream point P XYZ into RGB here. For example: , a custom camera projection is desired, plug PxrProjector upstream here.
